
I'm looking to buy a PS3 but I don't know which version I should get. Can someone help me out?

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I was looking at the 80gb because it's the cheapest one available. I've also heard the older ones run better but I can't imagine the 80gb version being a lot worse than the others. I also was wondering if the 80gb version has SD, Memory stick, etc. slots as well.




  1. buy a PS3 but not just any PS3 buy the one you first see when you walk in the store.

  2. buy the new 80 gb its doesnt have the sd or memory stick slots but u can play ps1 games on it but not ps2

  3. okay first of all that c**p about it running better is bull sh+t, they all run exactly the same.

    there are many models to choose from

    20 gb

    40 gb

    60 gb

    old 80 gb

    new 80 gb

    160 gb

    the 20 gb, 40 gb, 60 gb and old 80 gb have been discontinued so the only place you will find them will be on ebay, amazon, craig's list, etc. why would i want these models? because they are the better ones. let me break it down for you:

    the 20 gb doesn't have wi-fi so if you want to use online you will need an ethernet cord but it can play ps2 games. but this is the worst model so it's out of the picture.

    the 40 gb is the next worst. it doesn't have those extra slots that you mentioned above and it doesn't play ps2 games.

    60 gb is by far the best model. sure it doesn't have a bigger harddrive than the others, but it has FULL backwards compatibiltiy with ps2 games and have those extra slots mentioned above

    old 80 gb: this can't be found in stores by itself anymore but you can see it floating around in the MGS4 bundle which is selling out fast and has been discontinued but stores might have some available in stock. unlike the one's mentioned above me this one is $500 but it comes with a game and overall is a great deal. it has all those extra slots mentioned above and can play 80% of ps2 games

    the new 80 gb is found in stores but it can't play ps2 and doesn't have those slots mentioned above

    the 160 gb will be available in october and will be bundled with uncharted. despite having the biggest harddrive it lacks those slots and ps2 backwards compatibility. it too is sold at $500

    some things you should know:

    ps1 games are playable in all models

    only the 60 gb and old 80 gb have those slots

    all the ps3 model's harddrives can be replaced with bigger ones

    i would recommend the old 80 gb because it has the slots as well as backwards compatibilty

    but if backwards compatibiltiy and those slots aren't as issue, go ahead and buy the new 80 gb

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