It was recently my birthday and i received a fair bit of money and a £15 HMV voucher, so am looking to buy a ps3 or pc game. If i buy a second one it would likely be a pre-owned one, to save on the cash (probably from Game).
Games i currently have, so you can get an idea of what i like:
-Ridge Racer 7 (Ps3)
-Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (Ps3)
-Rock Band (Ps3)
-Resistance: Fall on man (ps3)
-The Orange Box (PC)
-Bioshock (PC)
-Doom 3 (PC)
-Call Of Duty 4 (PC)
Games i was looking at:
-Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PC)
-Army of Two (Ps3)
-Uncharted: Drake's fortune (Ps3)
-Assassin's creed (Ps3)
-Soul Calibur IV (Ps3)
So what's your choice? 2 Player games are preferable, but a good 1 player is also fine.