
I'm looking to buy a good target shooting rifle that has a straighter trajectory than a .22 lr

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one that can shoot 200 yards all day long that isn't a big bore rifle and doesn't cost a fortune to buy.




  1. Look at the .17hmr or the .22magnum.  

  2. What DJ said .17's normally have straighter trajectory.

  3. I set a back stop on fire with a 222. Tack driver

  4. 17HMR's but you have to watch the wind because a little 17 or 20 bullet's gona get off course. a 22-250, .223

  5. 200 Yd.s? Forget the rimfires.

    A .223 is your best bet. Ammo's cheap, recoil is light, and there

    are lots of models to choose from.

  6. .223 remington

  7. If you don't want to spend alot of money check out the Savage Rifles in .22-250 it sounds like what your looking for, good luck.

  8. What your looking for is a rifle chambered in .223.... The .223 is a small bore cartridge very similar the 5.56X45 military cartridge.... It is commonly used by hunters and competition class target shooters...... It is also the most cost effective cartridge to use in price.... .223 Can be had at the most decent prices. In bulk it is far less expensive than the .22-250 and 243. Some guy suggested the .222. Its obsolete --- Use the .223....

    Your first consideration is what type of ammunition you want to use. NOT the rifle. Over a period of time the ammo will cost more than the gun so making a wise ammo choice should be first.....

    .223 ammo at J&G Sales....

    As you can see in bulk this stuff is the best choice....

    Be sure to look over this .223 cartidge guide..... SAVE THIS....

  9. I'd normally recommend a 17hmr but not if you're shooting 200 yards on a regular basis.

    At that distance and what the wind can be, a rimfire is just not a good option. The 223 would be the prefered round as the ammo is the cheapest you can buy compared to every other caliber. You gain little to nothing by going with a 204, 22-250, 220, 243, etc.  We're only talking 200 yards.

    As far as economic rifles, I don't think you can go wrong with a Savage. Out of the box, they are the most accurate rifles on the market in there price range and they can outshoot most other rifles as well at half the cost.

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