
I'm looking to buy a property in liverpool for cash but have heard their is due to be a slump should i wait ?

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I'm looking to buy a property in liverpool for cash but have heard their is due to be a slump should i wait ?




  1. Stay out of England. The Muslims are taking over and they are not friendly, This is FACT. Read "Londonistan".

  2. "Due to be a slump"? Where have you been? The bottom has fallen out of the property market, there are literally thousands in negative equity. Do not buy, do not sell, that is my best advice in the current economic climate. .  

  3. Hi James,

    I have a property in Liverpool that has been for sale since March 08, unfortunately because of media speculation and the current credit crunch which I partially blame for the investment by European banks in sub-prime mortgages in the American market everybody is scared to make big investments at the moment.  There is a slump which I predict will last for another year at least so for the moment I would not recommend buying a property until the market stabilises. It won't last but if you have the money I would suggest holding on for a better deal, watch the usual house selling websites and see how much more they will come down then you might get lucky and get a bargain!  Saying that, if only we all had a crystal ball, how rich would we be??  Hard to predict but good luck.  I would also recommend contacting some local estate agents and getting some professional advice.

    Hope this helps.

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