
I'm looking to buy an MP3 Player, or an iPod...?

by Guest61139  |  earlier

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I don't know what brand is the best brand

can you give me the best choice between the MP3 Player, or iPod?

and, what is the best MP3 player that i should get.

i want something good,

but i dont want to spend a fortune.

like the iPod Touch


nothing more then $200.00





  1. You should go with Apple Ipod, I bought myself an 8gb itouch on for $200.   They are great quality and very durable and they include many more features then the average ipod.  You can watch videos(movie, music videos, etc.), listen to music-album art, play games, go on the internet through wifi, and many more things.

    There is an itouch for $204 on here

  2. Get an iPod Nano or Shuffle.

    I think iPod is the best and it has to most accessories to go with it!

  3. ipod nano 4G or 8G (8G is $200 and 4G is $150)   i tried to get one of the generic mp3s and it just doesnt work like the ipod

  4. Ipod. Ipod. Ipod. You can get a nano in a color you like with custom engraving in your price range.  

  5. ipod nano!ipod nano!

  6. I have an iPod nano, and I love it! It's my life! But my brother owns a Zune V plus, and I unwillingly admit that it is just as great. It holds a good amount of songs, it is way less expensive, it records and it is portable and pretty darn cool. Still, I would recommend either of the two. You could get your money's worth!  

  7. i personally like ipods, which are just a certain brand of mp3 players, because it has so many accessories, can be used as a portable hard drive, and can be used in both windows and mac formats you can get an 8 GB iPod nano for $200 and that can hold a lot of music and play video.

  8. just get a reg. ipod 30 gb. or something.

    or you could get a nano w/ like 8 gb. okay :)

  9. I have an IPod but recently used a friend's Zune.  The Zune, by Microsoft, is way easier to work with.

  10. i would get an iPod. with and MP3 you cant scroll and look for songs. you could get an iPod nano video~~~$157.88~~~at walmart and its like a bundle thing.   i have an iPod nano but they don't sell those any more.  

  11. i would go with the ipod. they just havent made an mp3 up to its standards.

  12. well for one  if u anit geting ipod touch then forget rest ipods  

    zune 80gbs are lovely and they run about 200 on ebay  or 250 out of store

    theres also zen cratic mp3s

    zunes biger screen then ipod they easy to scroll thru alot of songs

    they play videos in wide screen  so u flip the zune over and the controls flip with it

    zune u just hold down and it gose u dont gotta deal with that b.s moving your dang thumb in in circil 10 times

    if u one thos eloyal ppl that dont steel music zune pass alows u download unlimit music 15 bucks for an month  vs ipod u gotta buy everyhting

    zune headphones are good so u dont need go out an buy new ones like the ipod

    the video is clear as h**l u can see the screen in anny degrees try that with an ipod

  13. Ipod is one of the best brands, but other mp3 players are not bad too, you can take a look here, and choose one for you, they are all best mp3 players

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