
I'm looking to get a 32" LCD flat screen TV and was wondering if 1080p really makes a difference.?

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Can you really tell the difference b/t 1080p and 720p in a 32"? I was looking at a Sony 1080p 32" and have heard mixed reviews about 1080p at that screen size. Are networks broadcasting at 1080p or would it only be for blu-ray?




  1. no it won't be a huge difference compared to 720p at that screen size. also the only way to receive 1080 signal is from a blu ray player or ps3. networks broadcast in 1080i at best.

  2. you will not see a difference on the small screen, plus for 1080p you will need hdmi connection

  3. 1080p is only from Blu-ray, but 1080i is the same resolution so for 1080i broadcasts, when your television deinterlaces properly, you're getting 1080p.

    People like to jump in with nonsense here like "you won't know 1080p until you're on a 55" screen" - it's so totally false.

    You can have a 120" screen and still not know the difference between 720p and 1080p if you're sitting 40 feet away.

    YES, you can notice the difference between 720p and 1080p - it all depends on WHAT YOUR VIEWING DISTANCE IS!!!!

    If you're sitting 3-4 ft away from your 32" set then you'll definitely notice a difference. Here is a rough guide to show you viewing distances versus screen sizes and what resolutions you can expect to resolve:

    You can click on the image for a bigger picture.

    Still, for the money you'll spend on a 32" 1080p Sony, you could probably afford a 42" Panasonic Viera, which is a much better television. When it comes to PQ plasma rules and unfortunately people don't see this in the brightly lit store.

    Here's the last big 2008 HDTV face-off:

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