
I'm looking to start playing a new MMO, Which one?

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hey guys i'm looking for a mmo to start playing, something along the line of WoW or LOTRO or City of Heroes/Villains. is there any good free ones? and if not which is the best out of the three above or which is worth the monthly subscription?




  1. Buy Guildwars no subscription required.

  2. WoW is definitely the best I have come across.

    the Guild Wars games are pretty good, but there are only 20 levels (even with the expansion), so it gets kinda boring, although the graphics are pretty good for an MMO. You can look into them at least, and there are trails you can get as well (like the 2$ ones at your local gaming store). The deal with Guild Wars is the fact that after you buy the game (Any of them), the only other thing you need is an Internet connection. I have Guild Wars: Factions, and I've had that for over a year now, though I rarely go back to play it.

    If you're looking for something completely and 100% free, then there are several of them out there.

    Shaiya is slightly similar to WoW, but of course, it can't compete.

    I remember playing Dungeon Runners, that wasn't too bad.

    Fiesta is on my computer, but I don't play it.

    Mabinogi is also on my computer, but again, I don't play (my younger sibling does)

    I've played Knight Online, Two Moons, Guild Wars, Dungeon Runners, Shaiya, and several others that don't come to mind, but of course, WoW was my favorite, although I haven't money for a subscription at the moment.

    You could always mooch free WoW trials online, but you'll have to start over each time.

    I haven't played LOTRO or City of Heroes/Villains, but I have enjoyed WoW. You may also care to look into Final Fantasy XI online (I should really do the same) or Everquest II (I haven't played it). Most of these titles have demos that you can pick up at your local gaming store for a couple of dollars that will let you play for 1-2weeks. WoW has free 10-day trials online.

    You can try any of them, as there are SEVERAL to choose from. There are also lists online, such as this one for the best FREE MMORPGs:

    I'm sure you'll find something interesting :)

  3. Guildwars is free. As for subscription games, try the Conan one. The combat is excellent particularly cavalry charges and mass battles.

    Obviously WOW is the most established so not much point mentioning that one.

  4. Your asking a tired old question that has been around for years.

    Basically if you played WoW from 1-60 or 1-70. You will never find a F2P MMORPG that offers the same gameplay and service Blizzard gives.

    Its mainly because the game is free, they do not have to much content or effort into it because most players are just playing for free.

    Plus you will have to deal with their advertisements of in game items such as costumes, exp boosters, special pets, etc. Things like this is what turns people off about F2P games.

    If for some reason, you want to stay away from WoW (^_^) i suggest Warhammer Online, the game revolves around PvP combat if your into that sort of thing.

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  6. World of Warcraft is the best of the ones listed by far!

    Runescape is a free one.... im not saying its good but it is free lol.

    google runescape to find it online if you want to but i would recommend just subscribing to WoW.. its worth the monthly fee.

  7. Also recommending Guild Wars! It's not free, but the three main games (Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall) and expansion pack (Eye of the North) only cost about £15-£20 each, if I remember correctly. Once you've bought it, there are absolutely no subscription fees, which makes it much better value in the long run than WoW.

    Also, completing all three campaigns plus the expansion pack takes long enough that you don't get bored of it quickly, and then there are various title tracks to pursue. There's also quite a lot for people who prefer PvP to PvE (if you're one of those, I suggest buying Factions since that has big alliance battles which are great fun to play :-) ).

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