
I'm losing TV channels!?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I rescan my digi box I lose a channel or two. I have to rescan it otherwise all the channels go fuzzy. I now have no BBC, ITV, Channel 4 or Five channels. It isn't the digi box as I bought a new one and the channels I had lost didn't appear on the new one, so is it my aerial or digital signal?




  1. try contacting whoever provides you with your digi box.

  2. does you aerial pick up UHF band? that is where the digibox is seeking DTV stations.

  3. It's a bit strange because if you get a bad signal on a digital channel it doesn't normally go "fuzzy" but you get a picture that looks something like a Picasso and lots of squeaky electronic noises, so it doesn't sound like a reception problem.

    Doesn't make sense if you say you've replaced the digi-box - sounds almost like your TV has a problem.

    Hope someone can help.

  4. doese you're devise hase history? if  it hase,u can go into histori & rescan.

    i request u plz find me slaven bilic email if you are in london or u can reach it.

  5. One thing worth check is the "preferences" section in the digibox menu. I had a similar thing and it seems that a member of the household had removed the main channels from the preferences so I kept getting a weird selection.

  6. This is because the Aerial signal has to be optimum strengh when scanning. When you scan for channels, if the decoder can't find them then, it thinks it will not be able to at later points.

    Ensure you scan at a time when the strengh is at it's highest. Otherwise you will lost channels.


  7. This is almost certainly down to poor signal quality.  This may be the aerial, the cable between the aerial and the Freeview box or the connectors.  It may also be that you simply are in a poor reception area.

    The best thing to do is phone a local aerial engineer and get them to come and have a look.

  8. call your service provider

  9. I would call your service provider, it could be your aerial not in the right position or possibly you might need a new one or a booster on you current one

  10. It sounds like you could need a more up to date TV Aerial when we wanted to get free view we had to get a new one as ours was too old to cope with digital, look in yellow pages and find an Aeriel engineer arrange a free quote and visit, they should be able to tell you if it is your  TV aerial or your box. good luck.

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