
I'm losing my intelligent plz give me some advice to get it back and my details for more plz and Ty

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I'm losing my intelligent, im getting dumber by the day and forgot wat i learned and im not paying attention as much. i am a very smart boy every of my teacher said that but i dont know how im losing it.(also im wondring wat is the best medical middle and high school in florida.)plz give me some reasonanle answer, just trying to get my old self back and be the smart boy i once was. and tell me if its a sickness or watever and tell if there is cure thank you guys and girls.

1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. The first answer was'll probably feel better if you take more care in how you write.  

    As for feeling like you're becoming less intelligent, I've felt like that myself.  I think reading things that make you think is helpful, and having serious conversations with your friends and other people is good, too.  Doing puzzles can exercise your brain and make you feel smarter, too.  Avoid stupid TV shows that don't make you think (which is probably most of them). Pick something in the world that you're curious about or think is a problem and research it. Avoid listening to stupid pop songs (though they're good for learning the language) and other mindless commercial blather that tells you what to eat and buy and say and how to look and doesn't want you to think for yourself.  Don't play videogames all day.

    As for medical middle and high schools in Florida...I'm not from FL but if you mean schools where people study medicine, I doubt there are any.  People usually study medicine in medical school, after college.

  2. I think you need to begin taking more care in how you present yourself. The higher opinion others have of you, the more brainy you will feel.

    For starters, try proofreading anything you write. This includes spelling, punctuation, and logical presentation.

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