
I'm losing too much hair, is this Normal? Help.?

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I started growing my hair long about 8 months ago (right now its about at shoulder length), and I noticed that I've been losing hair a lot lately.

Its gotten weak and brittle. When I shower, I lose about half a handful, it clogs the drain. And when I tie my hair in a knot,

I take the band off and there's like a chunk of hair on it. And if I brush my hair, a lot of it comes off. Even when I stroke my hand through it I have a couple strands in my hand. Am I losing hair? Or going bald?

I even noticed that my hair is also getting thinner, so I'm getting worried here. I tried the Dermatologist, but he said its normal. And I don't believe him at this point. What can I do? Any shampoos or conditioners I can take? Any remedies? Anything? Help!




  1. The weather could be causing it. You lose more hair in summer than you do in winter because if its hot you naturally lose more hair to keep cool.

    After you wash your hair rinse i with cool water. And after you dru it set the dryer to cool and blow it through our hair to cool it down. This should help to strengthen it. Always condition.

    Your diet affects your hair as well. Eating protein strengthens your hair so plenty of nuts, meat, eggs, milk and cheese.

    Losing hair can also be a sign of anaemia so if it carried on it might be something to look into. It's not at all serious, my hair used to be more brittle before I found out I was anaemic but it got a lot stronger once I started taking iron supplements.

    Its possible though that you may just be noticing the lost hair more because it's longer so try not to worry, the average human head has up to 200,000 hairs. You wont run out any time soon.  

  2. That depends on a lot of things...

    How old are you? Do you wear hats? Do you heat-dry your hair? What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you put in your hair? Do you put any other chemical substances in your hair other than shampoo/conditioner? Did your father experience this at your age? Did you visit a dermatologist that *specializes* in hair loss? It could be hereditary, how often you wash your hair, your DHT level (Your dermatologist would tell you), your method of cleaning your hair, and the amount of stress your hair roots deal with due to the length of your hair.

  3. ummm my best answer would be ur hair is growing at different rates. also ur body is growing and developing also changing. like i said as u grow ur hairs grows. welll good luck on ur answer.

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