
I'm lost,confused and a little drunk?

by  |  earlier

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Can one of you guys help me get back to the religion and spirituality section?




  1. lol stay here its a whole lot more fun!

  2. Yeah Jeff, it's an "accident" lmfao.

    Patrick slipped me a roofie and here I am for good, once you go g*y you stay. ;o)

  3. I had a few drinkie winkies too before I got on here, lets see, the religion and spirituality section...... Take the :I-am-not-as-think-as-you-drunk-I-am exit north heading south towards your left and on top of the I have no idea whats going on section of the left lane, and right at the light....yeah, I like it!

  4. Ahh, religion and spirituality. No wonder you've been drinking at 9 in the morning.

  5. Take a left at the whiskey, a right at the homo, and keep going straight [haha] to the pope.

  6. lol...luckily you cannot turn your back on them here WHILE EXIT



  7. No, stay a while.  Let me make you a brew and we can sit and talk about it.

    Those trousers look awfully tight.  Perhaps you should loosen them.....

  8. Been into a little too much of the communal wine, have we?...

  9. NO! Go to men's health section, it's really a lot more fun! Learn everything you ever wanted to know about masturbation and beanus length..have fun now, ya hear?

  10. Try to give as many answers as possible before you get your bearings.

  11. Even i tell you the solution to your problem it cant work now because you said your little drunk. Settle with your self first before seeking for solution.

  12. Drunk, lost and confused... just the way I like my 'what have I done' straight guys

  13. First star to your right and straight on until morning.  

  14. You lost, confused, and a little drunk? Well, most of the people in that section are like that, so why bother looking for us?

  15. Sure, just click your heels together three times and say, "What would Jesus do?" I will sprinkle you with my magic dust and OFF you go!!!  

  16. I'll help ya

  17. I would never do that to anybody. Stay away from the religious people!  

  18. Just follow the trail of body parts. It will take you right to it.

  19. oh man!

  20. Dude, click on on Yahoo Answers in the top left >> Society & Culture >> Religion & Spirituality.

    Good luck!  Hope you're not hung over today.

  21. Sounds like you have already been there but if you want your account suspended yea right this way!;...

  22. I'd recommend two or three more good stiff drinks.

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