
I'm making a kinda like trip bag for my best friend who is going on a trip. what else to put in it??

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So my friend is 14 and she is going to India this summer with a group(alone w/o parents!) and she is really worried and I am too! So I am making her an "India trip baggy" lol something just to show her I care and am worried. It will have a roll of duct tape in it because of the showers there. a disposal camera in case she needs this one for some reason, and I'm making like a little safety/info book for her. I will get it laminated too. I will write her a letter to put in there too. Or maybe a bunch one for each of the days she is there. This little stuffed animal a picture of me and my doggie. What else should I put in it? Any good website to find info about India to put in it? things like watch out if you see this bug and that stuff.




  1. Like maybe a phone home pre paid card.

  2. That is so nice of you!  That will be a great experience for her.  It is a good idea to give her the picture, or anything that reminds her of home because she'll probably have big time culture shock and she'll probably really miss home.  

    It is hard to tell what she'll need, not knowing what part of India she'll be in, and not knowing what she already plans on bringing.  

    A passport carrying case always comes in handy.  You can get them at target for pretty cheap.  They are just like a wallet you wear around your neck.  That way she can keep her important things like money and passport tucked safe under her shirt.   She might need an extra bottle of sunscreen, or a mini bottle of bug repellent that she can keep in pocket at all times.  Maybe get her some information on tipping, and a little card that has the exchange rate on it she can keep handy so she can look at in when she needs to.

    She should probably be more worried about the food than the bugs.  She is probably in for at least one bout of traveler's diarrhea!

    Write in one of her letters not to be afraid.  The people in India are very helpful and kind to travelers, especially women and girls.

  3. toilet papers !! we dont use that here in india

    also some good mosquito repellant.. depends on the place where she is visitng

  4. Sounds like you have taken care of everything! Your a cool friend...I would go to google and type in thing to brig to India.

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