
I'm making up my own myth and its due tommorow.Its about how thunder came to make its noise.How do u start it?

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I'm making up my own myth and its due tommorow.Its about how thunder came to make its noise.How do u start it?




  1. Thunder is caused by lightening. The heat from the strike causes the air around it to heat up increasing the pressure. This pressure is propagated as a wave and carried to your ear drum where you hear it as thunder. The closer you are to the strike, the louder you hear the noise. The speed of sound is about 720mph which is .2 miles per second, so when you see the lightening flash,count the seconds. If you hear the thunder in 5secs, the strike was 1 mile away.

  2. It could be anything that causes a loud or rumbling sound. It could be the beating of drums, or a war between two sky entities (with frequent skirmishes!)  Or a monster, god or animal in the sky that growls, or maybe just has a growling tummy because it is hungry.  Once you come up with your explanation of the sound, figure out what characters you'll need to make it work, and then flesh out a story around them.  Good luck.

  3. Once upon a time...

    Thunder is caused by a big dog. The heat from the big dog causes the air around it to heat up increasing the pressure. This pressure is propagated as a wave and carried to your ear drum where you hear it as a big dog breaking wind. The closer you are to the bum, the louder you hear the noise. The speed of sound is about 720mph which is .2 miles per second, so when you see the big dogs flash, count the seconds. If you hear the thunder in 5secs, the big dog was 1 mile away.

    The E..

  4. If it is a myth you could do something with the Gods and bowling. I mean, strikes are very loud. Or even deceased family members and friends are up having a party and bowling!

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