
I'm manager of the volleyball team and...well...what exactly do they DO?

by Guest59644  |  earlier

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I didn't make the team and this is my first time ever trying a sport and they said I didn good that they want me to be manager, although they think I need a little more practice in cause as a freshmen I wouldn't spend too much time in the games. Being a manager, I can spend more time witht he team and th sport a prepare for the Spring freshmen team. Only one problem: what do the managers do?




  1. they help think up plays and different drills to do at practice and games, the manager can also help people who are having trouble with a certain area. like you could help someone with setting or serving, it would help them, and it would also let you practice for when you start on the team.

  2. Managers keep track of the score, make sure everyone is in their positions in games, help the coach, help the team members when the coach is busy, etc.

  3. meet with the other team, encourage your team, decide who does what and help them out !

  4. Managers pretty much just serve the team!!! They dont play in games, but they do practice with the team!!! they make sure that everything goes right in home games, that everything is set up, and the team has everything they need!!! They also do whatever the coach doesnt have to time to do!!! Thats pretty much it!!! They dont doo that much!!! I hope that helps!!!

  5. I was a volleyball manager in high school and I took stats...Which means that I kept track of how many times each person served, passed the ball, set, spiked, or dropped the ball.  I also did little things like getting the water bottles filled up and making sure we had all of the balls and the first aid kit when we went to games.

  6. Mostly keep score.  The board is easy, you have to learn the score sheet.  Also, always know the rotation.

  7. they make sure that the people on your team to serve the ball the way they want to and they hit it correctly.

  8. You'll manage. :)

  9. aaa duh they coach dummy teach how to spike set serve get it over the net and stuff just talk to me on messanger and i will tell u stuff on it

  10. as manager you pretty much do whatever the coach doesn't have time to do..

  11. managers keep track of statistics, make sure the uniforms are in and passed out, travel with the team to away games. basically you will be their, assistant. it encompasses a lot of things, many of which you won't want to do

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