
I'm married and he wants to...?

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He wants to have s*x but I told we are not ready... we got married last Tuesday. I really do want to but i don't want the risk of being pregnant in my first year of marriage.,.




  1. get on birth control and stuff and have him wear a comdom

  2. Why don't you use birth control if you are married and don't want to get pregnant?

  3. Of coarse ur supposed to have s*x rite after marriage but if u want to but scared to get pregnant... USE PROTECTION HUN!!! good luck

  4. Just because you're going to have s*x this time doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant. You can always go on birth control, use condoms anyway to prevent something you don't want to happen.

    You guys are married now he wants a little excitement so give it to him!


  5. Birth control, condoms, use something!  s*x is a healthy part of marriage.

  6. Hon , go see your family doctor and he will give you some options for some type of birth control. Good Luck

  7. You should consummate your marriage, you will find great joy in your union, use birth control but remember that some couples can be married for years before they have a child, it is not a guaranteed thing to get pregnant quickly!

  8. Omg get some birth control and have some s*x you are married now don't wait a year that is just ridiculous  

  9. Find contraception

  10. Do you know what marriage means?  It means you have consented to have consensual s*x, that is what it means.  If you don't want s*x yet, what did you get married for?  You shouldn't have gotten married, because he has a right to have s*x...that is what marriage is about, among other things, but s*x, especially in a new marriage is really important.

    If you want to stay married to him, give him and yourself what you should be giving, otherwise don't be surprised in the LEAST BIT if he leaves your DUMB *** and finds someone else with the common sense apparently you are lacking.

  11. Use some sort of protection.

  12. It is unfair of you to refuse him allow him any sexual contact, now that you are married. It is a natural part of that union. If you have come to this decision on your own then he has every right to feel cheated. You are one half of a couple, and have not the right to make such a decision that affects the both of you, on your own, without having discussed it with him and come to a mutual agreement. He could be entitled to ask for an annulment of your marriage on the grounds of non-consummation.

    There are ways of preventing conception, even if sexually active, if that is your problem.

    There are chemicals - the contraceptive pill, the contraceptive injection, etc.

    There are barrier methods - condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, etc.

    If something artificial is against your religion, or your preferences, then what about the "Advanced Billings Method" which uses your knowledge of your NATURALLY infertile times to have s*x, thus preventing or reducing the chances of conception? It just requires abstinence during those times that conception could occur, about 8-10 days in a cycle.

    If you are not willing to at least consider any of the above, then I would strongly suspect that your reluctance to be sexually intimate with your husband goes way beyond just your desire not to get pregnant. You may have a problem with the form of sexual intimacy itself. Then girl you need to get some help or expect to have your marriage suffer.

  13. Well, use a condom, get on birth control pills.  Heck there are even options for women that will keep them from getting pregnant for years without any effort of remembering to take a pill.

    As far as being ready or not, well if your got married then your ready for s*x.  Also you might want to think about this, if the marriage is not consumated, then guess what he can get it annulled and leave you without any repercussions at all.

  14. WHAT ?  get some contraceptives and get to it ! you cant expect him to wait forever.

    Legally, unless you "consamated" the marriage(s*x)  the marriage isnt final yet.

  15. Why not the Depo shot

  16. use some method of contraception. visit your gynecologist and he´ll be able to suggest lots of different ways. one will certainly be right for you. then when you aren´t afraid you´ll get pregnant get down to business! have fun!

  17. Well all you need is to talk to him and explain your decision.

    Try and compromise so that is a win win situation for both.

    don't take too long to have a family.having active s*x is good.

    If you know your menstruation cycle well you can avoid getting pregnant,or consult a gyne.

    Well wish you happy married life.

  18. There's condoms, pills and other contraceptives. If still not convinced, try the back door, you won't get pregnant that way and he'll love it. That's a technique commonly used by some college girls to have s*x and still marry virgins.  

  19. There is birth control

  20. If I was your husband, I would be seeking an annulment.

  21. Have you heard of birth control?

  22. If he respected your wishes and waited til you were married well its your turn to pay up!!! I mean you can't make that kind of requests without fullfilling your end of the deal. s*x is a healthy part of marriage!!!

    Use Birth Control!!! Condoms, the pill, the nuva(sp) ring, there are lots of more advanced forms of BC now. Go to your gynecologist and learn about the ones that are new.

  23. protection is cheap buy some

  24. Poor b*****d. Have a heart and buy a box of condoms and get busy. It sounds to me like he's been waiting for this for a while now so be nice.  

  25. what????????? it sounds strange to me how come you are worried about getting pregnant when we have all the option for birth control like contraceptive pills condoms use  any of it and enjoy your married life which is 80% depends on the healthy s*x life  

  26. wow why did you get married? is this a joke ?how old are you?you better Get ready.ever hear of the pill?

  27. I don't know whether you're religious or not but the marriage procedures involve two main big steps . First being the marriage ceremony in which both accept in public that they're now husband & wife & second being meeting in privacy in a bedroom sometimes after wedding for having sexual intercourse at the earliest without any barrier between the two & that completes the main marriage procedures. That is the standard way. If the woman becomes pregnant, that is her fate, being part of married life as all don't get pregnant. Religiously, there must be s*x that(first) night without using any preventive device. If you want to avoid  pregnancy, have s*x from 20 th to 28 th or the last day of your period without using any protective device at all. On other days use either condoms or after morning pills etc. For s*x you must have strong body strength & slim figure too. Taking warm milk with pure honey dissolved in that half an hour before the exercise is highly recommended if you want to have s*x many times every night. Don't be coward. Have that 3 - 5 times daily for next 6 months at least & enjoy life.  

  28. Something is a little off here. Let me get this just got married and you are holding out on s*x because you don't want to get pregnant. Ma'am, you gotta do something about this or your hus. may be making a quick exit. Craziest thing I have ever heard.  

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