
I'm medicine student and I'm so tired I just study and can't find equilibrium between fun and study help me.

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1. when I'm wake up I go to university and when I come home I study till night and then I sleep untill morning and it's repeat and repeat. I'm so tired I can't find anytime to have fun I want help to make equilibrium between fun and study.

2.I can't find the method of study in university every pepole say it's diffrent with college but I can't find this difference. someone tell me this.




  1. Explore your body, and the bodies of others.   Do this safely, prudently and in moderation -- but for God's sake man, just do it!  This will help put the kick back in your step!

  2. Are you still in pre-med doing your undergraduate degree? it sounds like you're on the verge of a burnout dude, what year are u in??

    Try to improve your time management skills and make time for proper sleep and have some fun--you're in college!!  Trust me Med proper will prove more demanding and strenuous.

      Just do your best to find a balance that'll allow you to be happy.  Studying to be a doctor never really ends so you have to be sure it's your calling and that it's what you want.  Make that decision to be happy dear........most of the time it's all about perspective ;-)

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