
I'm middle class. Why did my taxes go down after Bush cut taxes ONLY for "rich" people?

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  1. You don't understand!  When you cut the taxes of rich people, they are so filled with gratitude that they immediately turn around and pass the savings on to any middle or lower class people who happen to be nearby.  It's called the trickle down theory, and it works!

  2. Let me explain this in small words so you can understand. the middle class got a small tax cut the rich got a huge (this means big) tax cut. Since the rich stick the money in there banks and don't have to spend it it does nothing for the economy ( the economy is what creates jobs and other things) but the small tax cut the middle class got was spent on the high gas prices that the friends of bush took large profits from and once again stuck in there banks and this is why the economy is in the tank right now. No one has said the middle class didn't get a tax cut they just said it did nothing for the economy try listening to CNBC (this is a financial TV channel) sometime they agree.

  3. Hey, me too--I guess we really played the system.  

  4. bush doesnt work for the middle or lower classes

  5. Wow.  Mine did also, and I'm middle class too.  

    Under the Obama plan, they'll shoot WAY up.  Yeah baby, that's the route I want to take.

  6. Hmmm... so you save a couple hundred bucks.

    While the big companies save millions.

    Hoorah for the republiCRAPS.

    Great tax cut, very fair.

    At least Obama and the democraps are going to try and s***w the big business over instead of the little people.

    All you people who screwed up and voted for bush are idiots. You messed up. live with it and change for the better.

  7. Actually, no one who's been looking into politics has said that.  Your taxes did go down, but the percentage drop was far less than that for the rich.  Moreover, while you got a drop, every class below you didn't.  This is especially true of the group caught between middle and poorer classes - not only does medicare not apply to them, but they were given practically nothing in tax cuts.

  8. Funny, mine went up.  You must mean rich not middle class.  The average middle class tax burden is 20,000 USD higher now due to Iraq.  


    Ah, sorry I misinterpreted your attacking me on my own finances versus the tax burden I mentioned.  The Iraq war debt will have to be paid down.  This source does a calculation of the tax burden for a few middle class income brackets.

    Roughly $2000 per year for me so, since 2003 that's $10000.  Sorry I was off by half but, if you're in a higher income bracket that figure goes up quickly.  I guess I was wrong about my own particular taxes from the war debt but, at least I am half right.

    So, um since I backed up my claim and proved it to you, does that mean I'm no longer "full of c**p?"  I think it does.

  9. because liberals lie and when they are in charge you really will be considered rich and they will RAISE your taxes

  10. tax rates were reduced for all income levels....obama will put them back up when they expire after bush leaves.

  11. why didnt you get a rebate check?

  12. shhhh......dont tell anyone, let the democrats keep lying their way to defete.

  13. I think you have your facts a little kiltered. Everyone received tax breaks. Remember that nice check you got back last year and the one years ago. All our taxes have been lowered the past eight years. Are you getting senile Mr. President?

  14. The only for rich people is not covering all of the truth.  Both candidates cut taxes for the middle class, its not mentioned with Republicans because their cutting of taxes in that class is smaller than the cut proposed by Democrats.

  15. you can only tax the rich so much before they put their money some where else.   cutting the taxes on the rich lets them use their money to make money thus there is more money to tax.   john kennedy found this same move back in the 60's  and regan did the same in the 80's  there is always a catch.   with more money coming into the government  is just to much for congress to resist spending.  under regan the congress was supposed to cut spending but they didn't so the national debt went up.   tax cuts would work if the excess money would be used to pay down the debt instead of more pork spending by our representatives

  16. This is a response to some of the answers... not the original question...

    The "rebate" checks were not tax cuts, they were not free money. They were a LOAN. Where do you think that fiat currency came from?

    The rebate checks were the creation of additional currency when inflation was already the root of the problem. What causes inflation? The creation of too much currency! All of it loaned to the Treasury, with interest, by the Federal Reserve, who don't even publish M3 anymore (since 2006), so we have no way of knowing how much currency they are pumping into the system. but does Congress dare to challenge the Fed? Of course not, they know the rules.

    A good analogy would be throwing a drowning man an anchor and telling him it's a life preserver.

    Economic warfare is being waged on the American middle class, and both parties are involved.

    Good luck.

  17. No sir. You are rich.

    I bet you made over $50K. We will put an end to that you elitist.

  18. Most people got a tax cut under Bush, but some saw NO change at all in their taxes. The vast MAJORITY of that tax cut went to the RICHEST 1% of all Americans. The other 99% of Americans were net losers under Bush's tax and spend policies.

    From 2001 to 2006, the typical middleincome American has received a tax cut totaling $1,855 per family member. But

    that family’s share of the added national debt burden is $8,936 per person.

    This means that the net impact of the Bush fiscal policies on the middle 20 percent is an added burden of $7,081 per American—or $28,322 for a family of four.

    For the wealthiest one percent of Americans, who have an average 2006 income of $1,272,000, the tax breaks outweigh the added debt burden accumulated from

    2001 through 2006 by an average of $30,352 per family member. They have received an average tax break of $84,482 per family member, which exceeds their added debt burden of $54,130 per person by $30,352.

    In contrast, the added debt burden accumulated from 2001 through 2006 outweighs the tax breaks for the other 99 percent of U.S. residents by an average of $7,166 per person. They have received a tax break of $2,616, but their added debt burden is $9,782 per person.

    Put another way, if you’re among the 99 percent of Americans who lose, then for every $1.00 in tax cuts the federal government has given you over the past six years,

    you’re left holding a bill for $3.74.

  19. Because the tax cut did give some relief for the middle class. but gave a far larger relief for the rich. the cut was greater the more money one made.  

  20. Libs just like spreading these lies.  Contentious, I'm a CPA and you sir are full of c**p.  I'm in the middle class and my tax liability was arount $7,000.  Nice try

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