
I'm middle class and my taxes went down after the Bush tax cuts. Why?

by  |  earlier

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My income went up and my deductions were the same.




  1. cause Bush aint a freakin commie

  2. Because tossing a few hundred dollars to middle class workers is how you get a tax bill through that will save the wealthy millions.  McCain is trying to do the same thing:

    Average savings for those earning over $3 million a year: $270,000

    Average savings for those earning $38,000 to $68,000: $300

  3. Tax rates were lowered across the board.

  4. don't go confusing people with reality.

    let them live in their pie-in-the-sky world.

  5. shhhhhhhhhh.  Be quiet.  The Democrats want to raise the taxes on the rich to help you!

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