
I'm missing my friend, anyone seen him?????

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone seen Michael W lately?

I haven't seen him on here for a while now, I do hope he's O.K.




  1. Hi Maid, no i haven't either. He lives in Bulgaria near Sofia so he might even be england bound for easter.

  2. i have never heard of him or seen a photo of him, i suggest you contact the missing persons bureau they will help you a great deal if he dont come home your friend a animal or human.

  3. no he's retired with arthritis in his right hand. can't use the internet single handed.

  4. no sorry i cannot help you

  5. No, you're right, he's not been on for a while.

    Hope he's okay... does he not do email?

  6. Dont worry about it, he is still around and keeping his eye open on things.

    Shortly he will return.

  7. He is fine, visiting the UK at the moment, no doubt he will be on at some time in the near future.

  8. Sometimes even the most hardened YA addicts go on holiday.

  9. sorry i dont no him

  10. Nope sorry don't know him but i hope he's ok.

  11. not  recently   ...hes  prob  just  having  PC  problems   ....

  12. Thanks for the concern but as a couple said I have been to the UK for 9 days and only just got back to Sofia. So look out 17pdr and Dave S . I am back and all guns loaded. !!

    Yes, I even visited Cornwall. !!!!!

  13. Do you know I was just thinking that yesterday.Not like him to be gone for any length of time. :(

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