
I'm most disappointed with Islandpeople's <span title="presentation............."is">presentation................</span> ah good ting ah register with Tribe!"?

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If you haven't seen it the site ain't up yet but it on YouTube!




  1. I am seriously thinking about going with Tribe myself, it;s not just up to me however. I have to wait for my other cousins to make up their mind and then we&#039;ll vote and the majority will rule.

  2. Tribe&#039;s costumes are GORGEOUS! Last year their costumes were crappy, but not this year. Islandpeople&#039;s costumes&#039; aren&#039;t bad, but they can&#039;t compare to Tribe.

  3. ent TS.  that is why McFall...(sp) won last year. the mas should tell a story.  ane should consist of more than ah bathsuit with beeds and feathers.

  4. I LOVE...Dkrewe&#039;s presentation so far! Check it out.

  5. Yep, playing mas is now for the rich, jack@$$es, who taking loan from bank, and tourist....

    The t&#039;ing go down if we doh get back to nice, colorful, story telling mas.

    All yuh remember that year when Minshall bring everybody on stage in white, and then spray them multiple colors? Del days gone. Is a bath suit from China that cost no more $20.00 TT to make and ship is what they charging $3000 for.

    But I ain&#039;t mad. Sweet sweet TnT!!!

  6. Ever thought about forming a band. Everybody buy their bath suit from the same store so you can get the same colour and each person is responsible for sticking the beads on it and calling it &#039;we ting&#039;. The money you save you can pay off your mortgage. ha  ha! Don&#039;t mind me I just jealous that I am not crazy enough to spend all that money on a bathing suit. That my peeve it is just a babing suit with beads.

    If I have to spend the money for a good lime with friends then that&#039;s ok. But don&#039;t call it mas.

  7. man forget art ...ha !! who does go to Carnival for the artform still.

    I want to see woman shaking it .. tongs and all. Even the &quot;big&quot; girls who other people say eh have no shame --- don&#039;t worry Bugsy love ya !! Yes i love the skinny ones too, not forgeting all the cokieye buck teeth ladies.

    Man carinval is to leggo and wine on people. I don&#039;t care if your Krewe is in the Islands or you from another Tribe. Is the Element of your Hart i looking at. Plus i just don&#039;t give a rubber ducky i just want to wine on you and if your man vex ...well small thing.

    ps. i had to borrow a page from Mr. Trinisoccer i hope he don&#039;t buss my head

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