
I'm most likely teaching again in July. I have mixed feelings...?

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Hi! I've taken a two months break from teaching due to stress, and will be back to teaching in a public school in Jul.

I'm apprehensive about it. Any encouraging words from current teachers?

I love teaching, but I have to cope with the educational system and the people around me. And I can't handle stress very well. Any tips to handle teaching?




  1. I'm not exactly a real teacher but I had taught at a school for two months while waiting for the university entrance. However I understand how you feel because it wasn't easy on my first day too, dealing with a class full of 40+ boisterous children but hey, I made it. I even cried on that day because I couldn't handle the pressure but it had made me a braver person.

       You need to recharge your energy after a long day at school so remember taking enough rest at home. Get yourself engaged in your hobbies during your freetime which will make you feel relaxed. Try not to think of school stuffs too much once you're day is off. When you feel down, concentrate on the sweet memories that you have had as a teacher. Portray yourself as the students and become the teacher that you would love. Good luck!

  2. juz be dedicated to ur job and everything's gonna be fine. don't think about the stress. no job is easy.

  3. As a teacher I recommend getting a core support group together. Meet other teachers and network having people going through the same issues will give you the support you need to succeed. Venting to other teachers will reduce your stress and anxiety.

  4. first u have to really really love your job

    u must have interest

    handle stress?

    take stuff positively

    i'm about to be a teacher, too,

    n i enjoy teachin

    i noe i will

    cuz i know

    n all teachers know

    that joy we got when we look at the students

    n see their curiosity in them

    teachin is really a noble profession

  5. Have you tried googling 'relaxation' to learn ways to handle your stress and anxiety?  Teaching is truly a very stressful field.  That's not going to change, but maybe you can learn ways to manage your own reactions to the stress.  My personal favorite tip is to remember that 100 years from now, it will not matter what kind of house I lived in, what kind of clothes I wore, or what my bank balance was, but the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of one child.  Try to be a positive influence in the life of one child, every day, and remember that all the rest of it is just daily STUFF that really isn't all that important!  Keep your priorities in order and don't sweat the small stuff, and most of it is SMALL STUFF!

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