
I'm moving. When should i tell my phone/internet provider that I want to cancel my service?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard horror stories of people scheduling their phone and internet service to be turned off a month in advance only to have it get turned off a few days later instead. Should I just wait until a few days before my move date before I tell the company i want to cancel their service? There isn't a contract to worry about, so that isn't an issue.




  1. If I were moving, I would schedule my new service now so that you will actually get it when you want it.  They will give you a time frame. Some seasons are busier than others.  I would not cancel my present service until I was actually leaving. If it is their equipment, you have to return it, if not, you take it with you. We have our internet on a part time basis in our part time house and call them to tell them to shut off the service the day before we leave. I have never had a problem doing that. Getting new service is the hard part, turning off is the easy part.

  2. You can just tell them you're moving and they'll move your service with you. But if you need to cancel it, it's better to do it in advance.

  3. Just cancel it when you are done with it.  Return the equipment to their office and cancel it then.

  4. just call now, the sooner you tell them, the sooner they can accommodate you for your move, give them dates, and maybe an appointment, to reactivate you in your new home, rather than having to wait for a later appointment because the are really busy.

    why wait, procrastination is horrible!!!!

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