
I'm moving from Ontario to Alberta in grade 12, will this effect my chance of graduating??

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I know the requirements are different.. but won't my courses crossover? For eg., in Alberta gym is mandatory where in Ontario, it is not. (I dropped this after 9th grade) What will happen then? Can someone help me out? I'm so confused.




  1. In Alberta, you're only required to complete Phys-Ed 10, because you're in a situation that you are moving from another province you may be exempt from it, or they may make you pick it up.  Generally the schools only have Phys-ed as a one symester course so that people can get it over with quickly.

    According to Alberta Education's website ( Once you move you'll pretty much deal with school administration, they'll look at the courses you took in Ontario and determine where you need to be placed and what you'll receive credit for.    Be sure to bring course outlines of everything you have taken so far.

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