
I'm moving from philippines to US.?

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I would really missed a lot in my country.My friends,crushes:).I like to move there but a bit worried.And my parents convincing me and controlling me.I'm just a teenager.And of course they are the ones who only can control me.Any ideas on how to still communicate to my friends?pls!I really need your help.I'm moving this year.




  1. stay home, we have enough nurses.

  2. you can still talk to them on myspace, facebook, friendster, yahoo chat, aim chat, msn chat, and u can talk to them on the phone every once and a while. i talk to my cousins from the philippines on yahoo chat. it's gonna be a different world for u, trust me.

  3. communicate through facebook and myspace and social networking site. and also, call them by phone every day!

  4. where you are now in the net lol,. you can always call if they got phone number, also msn if they do have comp.

  5. I was 16 when I first came here in the USA... I've been staying here for almost two years now... I just have had a vacation there couple of weeks ago...

    I know it's hard... you're going to miss your relatives, especially the ones who raised you up, you're going to miss your friends, your hometown, I mean, everything...

    before I came here, I made my Smart# into a roaming service... that way, they can text you anytime, for only 1 peso... you can also reply them, but not through your Smart#, you can reply them through the cellphone service you're going to use here once you're here already...

    me, my relatives and friends back home, we always communicate through e-mails and friendster... I always text them every time, but I am limited to 3 text messages per day... you can also give them you're home address here, and/or you can get theirs, you can write letters, whenever you/they have time... whenever I have money, I buy phone cards and call them up, especially when there's an occasion, like the time when my friends in high school will be graduating the next day, I called up and congratulate them before the day of their graduation... I also talk with friends and relatives every Christmas season, and other important occasions...

    I mean, you'll get used to it once you're here...

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