
I'm moving out soon, but I'm afraid to leave because my dad might hurt my mom physically-anger issues help!

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My dad is really nice and kind, but all their money problems is causing him to become really defensive and they go into world war lll when they fight and I'm afraid he'll do some abusive things like he's done recently. If I get help for him, he'll get arrested, but we really need him right now, for my younger siblings sake, and because my mom is unemployed. I am stuck here and I don't know what I should do. They refuse to get a divorce no matter what the condition. I am stressing out. HELP!




  1. your mother needs to make some serious decisions on how to handle your father..abuse will continue until she make a move to stop can speak to your think about the younger children..and their own safety when dad is needs some kind of counseling and dad need to face up to his behavior..can you speak with some one about this

  2. You have to go to the authorities. Physical violence is nothing to play with. One hit could actually seriously injure or even kill your mother or whomever. Your mother and siblings will struggle without your father but if you do nothing they may be struggling with the loss of a family member.

    There are also agencies (Women in distress) that specialize in this sort of thing. They'll take your mother and siblings in so you wouldn't have to worry about your family becoming homeless.

    Best of luck to you.  

  3. Did your parents teach you to abide the law? Do not feel guilt for reporting something that you know will get worse without intervention. it will be rough at first and He will blame you instead of himself, just tell him to man up and deal with his anger in another way. If a stranger were treating your family this way would it be ok to do nothing. This is your family and they need you! Do what you know is right and your parents will even be proud once they see they were wrong. Your parents should not be putting these kids through this either.  

  4. this is tricky. i cant believe that your parents are being so selfish as to fight in front of the kids. you say you are moving out soon?? go. there comes a time in life where you have to leave the past behind, and take control and responsiblity for your OWN life. there is very little you can do to change your parents, they have to change themselves. its the hand in life you were dealt. make a solemn promise to yourself that you will never be in that situation when you get married, learn what you can, and move on.

  5. You can't control your dad. None of this is your responsibility.

    If your dad needs the kind of help that involves getting arrested, then HE SHOULD GET ARRESTED. If you wait for your parents to fix their marriage BEFORE you move out, then you will NEVER move out.

  6. Your mother picked your father as as helpless as it makes you feel you have to understand that she is a mature adult and capable of doing adult things to correct the situation. Good for you that you are getting out of there and leave her to deal with the situation.

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