
I'm moving to Milan with my family, is it so bad?

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I'm moving to Milan with my family, is it so bad?




  1. Milan has more of a big city feel than most other places in Italy - just being in Italy is a good thing. Milan is a good base to explore Italy and the rest of Europe from and there are enough cultural and fun things to do to keep you busy. There are rail connections to Geneva, Barcelona, Nice, Amsterdam, and all of Italy and a lot of budget airlines fly out of the three Milan airports, particularly Bergamo airport. The food is great. As soon as you have a chance to make a few friends, you'll love it.

  2. you think that Italy is ugly?

    the answer is no,i think that italy is the most beautifull state in the world

    in milan there are very very beautiful shops,some sky towers,  (now the state are building a lot of sky towers are much good restaurant,much tecnology (wi fii zone for example),beautufull blond and brown girl...

  3. Hy I'm from Venezuela but i live in Italy is beautiful and the city where are you going is beautiful

  4. no !! u have needed another think???SO tell me!!!

  5. If you’re a New Yorker, Milan is the nearest you can get to your home town in Italy. Same workaholic atmosphere, same Business- jet-set, less foreigners and better weather.  Learn the language, get used to Italian food (it’s great) and the more easy going Italians (appointments are usually take seriously as far down as Florence, then it gets into the roulette stage). Countryside (lakes and mountains) is gorgeous. Keep your US bank contacts, considering the local bank habits, you’ll need them. Doing business in Italy is exhilarating, challenging, nerve wrecking and more often than not rewarding. Just keep your cool and don’t let the red  tape get the best of you, it’s a National sport, like politics and soccer. Italy’s reputation is better than advertised, you’ll enjoy the experience. I came on a furlough and have been here for  ages (had an office in the Milan area for 3 years), but then I had an Italian mum.

  6. i'm indian but i liwe in milano, is a big city, but i dont like is too much industries ad movemente. Roma is better

  7. Congrats! Lucky you!

  8. well i would be simply excited to move to milan....but i live in genoa which is 1 hour of train from milan. i think that milan is really fine, cos there is everything a girl could wish, fashion, nightlife and it's the most important city of the northern italy. i know moving so far from home it's so bad, friends, school life in general....i'm gonna move to southern england in a place where there isn't anything. so good luck for ur italy new life

  9. Dude, Milan is a world center for culture and is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy.

    Don't look at it like it's a bad thing.  This will help you learn to speak in Italian, and you will have awesome experiences that people in the States would kill to have!

    If your parents are adopting, I'll switch places with you!

  10. No.  That's wonderful! >

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