
I'm moving to Paris next April. what kind of apartments can i find there?

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how much for a rent for 2 bedrooms close the opera? how the apartaments are? (kitchen and bathroom furnished ?). is paris more expensive than new york o miami? please i need to know everything about paris!!!




  1. Hello, I would say that Paris is less expensive than New York. but finding a nice (and cheap) place is quite hard. You should find rght now for an apartment with internet sites like how also look for roommates. Good luck

  2. Paris is a fairly expensive city for Americans, particularly given the weak dollar at the moment.  The best place to find appartments is through the website "De particulier a particulier" ( which is where locals advertise.  Very intuitive search facility - you can specify area / number of rooms / desired price range / furnished or unfurnished etc and select accordingly. You can also sigh up for email alerts as soon as new properties come on the market.  

    The market is fast moving and properties will often be let on the day of listing (if they are any good).  Anything that has been on the list for more than 2 weeks is either grim or overpriced - or both.

    Many buildings in Paris don't have elevators and ancient, ricketty stairs , so unless you relish the excercise, be wary of 5th fl and above :-)

    Unfurnished in Paris means exactly that - sometimes not even a fridge or a washing machine.  Furnished varies greatly from grotty to luxurious depending on your budget.

    Happy hunting

  3. Hi from France !

    I think Paris is expensive for appartments however check out :

    Have a nice day and welcome to France,


  4. I recommend you this :

  5. Paris apartments are fairly expensive. A two bedroom apartment will run more than $2000 a month around the Opera Bastille.

    (I'm assuming you want to rent a furnished apartment and I', assuming the new Opera Bastille rather than the old Opera)

    Google "Paris 'long term rental'" amd you'll find a bunch of websites to search. The area you're looking for is in the 4th or the 11th arrondisment.

  6. wide range of well-equipped/furnished apartments in the best area

    2br apartments from  ~700$ p/w

  7. of course it will be more expensive...euros are worth more than dollars..and it is paris..and depends on the location of hte city..and i think the apartments are extremely small and crowded...i recommend looking for american companies that design american apartments....

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