
I'm nearly 39 weeks pregnant and my bump is still high. ?

by  |  earlier

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Does this mean i'm going to be overdue and have to be induced ?




  1. Nope! Is this your first pregnancy? Some second time moms don't drop until you are about to go into labor! I am a first time mom and my doctor told me that the baby has dropped but I still look like I am high!

  2. Not at all. None of my babies fully dropped until i was in labor. My first was only 1/5 engaged when i went into labor and my second was not engaged at all

  3. No it doesn't, some people don't engage until labour begins. My baby didnt engage until two days before labour.

    Good luck with your baby :)

  4. engagement, effacement and dilation have nothing to do with when you will go into labor. you can be completely NOT engaged, effaced or dilated and go into labor tomorrow. or you could be engaged, effaced and somewhat dilated and still not go into labor for weeks. just relax and let your body do what it is going to do.

    my first "getting checked" appointment is next week and i am going to request that the doctor not tell me if i am engaged, effaced or dilated because it doesn't matter and has absolutely no bearing on when i will have the baby. as you can see here all it does is cause anxiety about what will or won't happen.

  5. I'm due in 18 days and my baby girl is VERY high - she was breech and has turned in the past 2 days . I remember with my 1st he dropped 5 days before delivery . Hang in there and when it happens you will know :)

    Congrats and good luck :)

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