
I'm nervous about getting braces?

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I currently have spacers in my mouth and am getting braces on Thursday. I am nervous about what they have to do and how badly it's going to hurt. If you could tell me the precedure, how much it hurt, and any other tips as to avoid blisters and other discomfort, that would be wicked awesome!




  1. Putting braces on doesn't hurt it just feels a little strange. Your mouth will be a little sore and feel strange after wards however this soon goes away. You might get a few ulcers as well from your brace rubbing but if you do use anbesol you can get it from chemists. It's really good, what I use and I have had braces 22 months. In fact i'm getting mine off on the 26th September! You do notice them but it's fine loads of people have braces these days and you can choose which colour you have so it's fine. They don't make your mouth look funny, it will look no different. You will have your braces on depending on how bad your teeth are but the average time is 12-18 months and believe me this soon goes. It flys by. Try not to worry you will be fine, I assure you of that. If you want any other reassurance or have any other questions on the matter you can email or instant message me at I will be happy to speak there. I would say good luck but I won't cos u don't need it! Hope I helped.  

  2. They have to "glue" the brackets onto you teeth and then pull the wire thru them.  On certain sides of your teeth- in the back- they will have something the wire goes thru that they use to make it tighter on your other visits.  When my daughter got braces, they whole procedure took about 2 hours.  She had them on top & bottom.  I think she was just sore- mostly from having her mouth open for a long time.  It's okay to take some tylenol or something like that before you go and when you get home.  Plan on eating stuff like soup, mashed potatoes, etc. for the next few days.  You're not going to want to chomp down on some hard cereal or chips or something like that.  Pasta would be good too.  Avoid lots of chewing!  Sometimes  the braces would cut the side of her mouth.  If she used the wax they gave her on any part sticking out too much, that helped alot.  Also, ask them what you can put on your inside of your mouth if it does get cut up a little bit.  She was only sore a couple of days and got used to them very quickly.  Now, she has them off and just wears her retainer at night.  Beautiful teeth!

  3. DON"T BE!!

  4. When you go to get them on the orthodantist should tell you everything in advance. But if it will make you better.....It may make you have some tenderness of the gums for a few days maybe up to a week after you get them on. You may feel a little pressure while the braces are being placed and for a few days after.  But it won't be too bad. I think my son put a dab of wax on certain areas of his braces in the beginning to help to keep from getting blisters, but after we told his dentist that he was getting blisters the dentist adjusted them a bit and that helped to keep from getting blisters. Ask your othodontist these questions proir to getting them placed. You will find yourself feeling better if you ask him/her anything you are curious about concerning the braces or any other proceedure.

  5. surre ill help you(: i have braces and im getting them off in 2 weeks!

    well getting braces on doesnt hurt it just takes some time to put them on and well the first 1 to 2 weeks u will feel some pressure so eat soft foods like bannans and apples sauce soups and cold drinks like smooties and shakes! that really helps and to avoid blisters use your wax and if they forget to give it to u just ask im sure they have alot(:

    well good luck(:

  6. i just answered a question like this...

    mine's the suuuper long one :D

    well to avoid blisters i really don't know

    but something my braces scratch against

    the walls of my mouth but it doesn't hurt

    it's just really annoying, haha. & if it

    hurts too bad take some painkillers =]

  7. I'm getting braces the 21st

    i have spacers right now too!

    i've asked a few questions about them so i have a few answers

    it doesn't really hurt its just pressure on your teeth

    and your teeth will be sore later on

    the first part of getting them on is really annoying

    the first part is when they put like bonding chemicals on your teeth

    or something like that


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