
I'm nervous about getting on an airplane so I want to know what can I do so I wont be so nervous?

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Me and my older sister are getting on an airplane for the first time in August to visit our brother in Japan. Well the problem is we are both kind of nervous as seeing this is our first time flying and it's such a long flight. I wanted to know is there something we can do so we wont be that nervous?




  1. Dont be nervous just take a nap or play some ds or gameboy games or cards or somekind of game to keep you busy and so you wont be nervous or get sick

  2. That you'll be together will help a lot. Sleeping helps kill time but be sure to walk around every now and then and don't let the flight attendants pass you by and miss your meal because you napped. Watching tv/movies on the plane system also helps. If you're into music, bring your own as the plane radio might be crappy. If you don't get motion sickness or altitude sickness, reading or working on crosswords and other puzzles also helps kill time. It might put you to sleep to help nap. My best friend had a fear of flying and couldn't even do 1 hour flights so I would make mix tapes for her of music and me being stupid, like standup comedy things. So listening to something comical or watching a funny movie might help laugh away your fear as well. She's now able to fly to Japan w/o much fuss. Good luck!

  3. first: Japan AWESOME. could bring like ipods or sumthing 2 do on the plane while flying.

    me and  my cuz started taking pics with funny faces on a flight 2 new york.

    or you can try 2 bring candy :)

    p.s remember gum so your ears dn't hurt.

    good luck.

  4. I do not like flying on planes either.  The take off may catch you by surprise because it is a bit fast.  But hold your sisters hand and close your eyes helps me every time.  Sleep as long as you can.  But you can't really feel the plane moving when it's flying.  For such a long flight bring games.  I am a kid, an your probably much older then me, but a game like mad libs is fun to play or bring a portable movie player.  And landing is always a releif but it's sort of like take off, but it doesn't feel as fast for some reason.  Also your ears will pop so bring gum.  nd bring a book.  Unless it make you nasushis it will sometimes do that to me.  but don't worry about it!  Its easy.

  5. bring your laptop ipod or any games trust me it will work espessuly with the lap top if you have one

  6. Take something that reduces Nervousness, take a book with you, eat before you get on, sleep during the flight, do not talk to strangers :b

    I've been on about 12 planes, 5 hours each, and this seemed to help me a lot. Have a safe trip! :D

  7. theres rlly nothing to be afraid of. everyone is rlly nice on the plane, and the really only ''scary'' part is the take off. i suggest taking deep breaths and thinking of it as a adventure, bring gum and snacks and just have fun! your gonna do fine!

  8. well first look at the facts first flying on a plane is safer than riding in a car on top of that you should read some books that will keep your mind off of it if you have a game boy or any portable system then bring it and another thing just relax is okay and have a good flight

  9. when ever i fly or take a cruise, i take some ginger tablets and kava kava  from the local health food store. ginger works to keep my stomach calm, avoiding air/sea sickness. kava kava , keeps my nerves leveled out remarkably well. you may want to take gum/snacks, apples/oranges with you as well. take some favorite magazines, or a book you want to read, a pad of blank paper to draw, doodle or play hangman or other games, a newspaper from home, eat any fruit in flight, as you won't be able to take it through customs when you land.. you may want to take a personal journal with you , to record your experiences and numbers and such, handi wipes for any spills or accidents. call the airport ahead of time to see what you're allowed to take on board your flight, so you won;t have needless delays in your departure, as many rules have changed. also, if you are taking any valuables like jewelry or watches, cameras and such, ask about filling out a customs declaration before you leave, so you won;t have to pay any customs duty on them , when you come home. also try to keep your documents together: passport,visa,i.d., tickets home, etc to produce when required to do so. it will save you time and the hassel of having to tear through everything trying to find them. the airport should be able to tell you which documents to have ready to board an international flight. many people i know have a thin folder on a neckstrap, to keep their documents together at the ready and securely concealed the rest of the time. if you have any problems in japan, contact the american embassy. get to the airport early about a hour and a half, confirm your reservations, find out which gate will be your flight, where to wait while you're being processed prior to boarding your plane. this will make the process easier and smoother for you. good luck, safe flight, and have a good visit. sayonara !

  10. I understand why you are nervous i fly 9 hours nonstop to germany every year. Ever since 9/11 airplanes have been safer than Cars. Here are some relaxing statistics. there is a 1 in 10 million chance that you die in a plane crash. You are more likely to get killed by a baseball at a pro baseball game or get bitten by a shark or win the lottery or find a new planet or dig up gold or or or or the list goes on. Write on an index card the statistic and keep reading them. It is very relaxing!!!!

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