
I'm nervous about going to camp.

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I'm going to a five day sleep-away soccer goalie camp really soon. I'm nervous. I'm not worried about being away from home..i go to a 4 week sleep away camp every summer. I just don't know anyone there. I'm not an amazing goalie and I'm scared everyone will be a whole lot better than me and i'll feel excluded. Help?




  1. I went to one this summer and it was awesome. Everyone was cool and I had a blast. Dont be nervous.  

  2. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine just enjoy the experience. If they're better than you then don't worry, because if you play with good players it will help you up your level and become a better player. I use to worry about these things, but they turn out fine in the end and nowhere near as bad as you build it up in your mind.

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