
I'm nervous about high school. Any tips?

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I feel like I'm not outgoing enough. Everyone says, "Oh, don't worry. It will all fall into place. Just be yourself." Well what if I don't actually know who I am? What if I am overly self-conscious? I want to make friends and be accepted and do well. I am so nervous. And please don't tell me it will be like middle school because in sixth grade, I had just moved to my new school and just got my braces, top and bottom expander, AND a Herbst appliance (it's a big metal thing for an overbite) so that was a pretty bad start. Well now I got all that stuff off including my braces, I have a new wardrobe, my b***s have gotten better, I got a tan, I died my hair blonder (it's already a sandy blonde) and I got a haircut, but I'm still super nervous. I don't know how to not be.




  1. my first day of high school as a freshman was this past wendsay so all i can say from this past first day is take it easy in my case there are 3000 kids in my school so dont be so self concious people are not always going to judge you as much as you think because your only one person next to hundred others also take the chill pill relax and as i did try to be friedly introduce yourself ask questions like what school do you come from? or whats your next class and be yourself as you talk to them and one suggestion if youre so worried about yourself you might lose track of the important stuff like getting good grades.

  2. omg i'm in the same exact situation. don't worry and just try you're best to be outgoing and try not to worry about what other people think. I'm going into high school too. You sound like you're better off than me becuase i deel really ugly alot of the time. But just try to make a good impression on the first day. You can do it!

  3. Be whoever you want to be and be nice. People are much more open in high school.

  4. lol woow. i am a freshman for the 08-09 school year. i just moved to georgia from maryland in the middle of 7th grade. i had braces too and a HEADGEAR (only worn at home thank God!) And its true, DONT WORRY! I was a nervous wreck too. and i garuntee you will have some of your classes with at least 1 friend! And yeah it kinda is like middle school lol. You WILL find somebody at lunch you know! Just email me if u have any questions. High School is fun!

  5. don't worry I'm in my 3rd year of h.s but my 1st year i was like u and i went and i immediately found the group of people that dress like my (I'm emo nt cutting myself tho) so walk over and make small talk like whats ur favorite band? and work from their trust me its not as scary as people say and p.s their is no such thing as freshman friday  

  6. If you go to a big school, steer clear of the upperclassmen because they like to play pranks on you like getting you lost when you ask for directions. Yes, I know, super funny. Not.

    Print off a map of the school if they don't give you one, and make sure you know the way to all of your classes. Make sure not to be late.

    If you're a Freshman, they usually stick together the first few weeks and a lot of them are looking for friends. Smile at people and they're more likely to approach you, if you can't. If you look pissed off, you're going to be sitting alone at lunch. Even if you don't really like the people you hang out with in the first few days, you'll (hopefully) gain some confidence and make friends with people you like more.

    Try not to look too much like a Freshman when you start school. Little tote bags and preppy clothes is popular among them. If you look a little older, more like a Sophomore, more people will want to befriend you and the upperclassmen might not tease you.

    Even if you came into the school with friends, you might still be alone at lunch, especially if they have a few of them. Try to collect as many friends as you can as you go through your day and sit with them.

    It'll most likely be hard, but we all go through it. Just be nice and people will appreciate you for it.

    Good luck.

  7. Everyone is nervous on their first days, think about that. So you are all in the same boat and if you come off lighthearted, funny, smart and nice you will make friends easily. ...just never try too hard.

  8. i'll be a sophomore this year, and let me tell you. i would do anything to go back to my freshman year. at first i was super nervous, but then once i got there, it was seriously no big deal. it's not like it is on TV or in the movies or in books, honestly. sure you have cliques but you'll have cliques anywhere you go. just be yourself, you'll do fine. i started out as like the most insecure person ever, i don't even want to go into detail rofl but you'll gradually find your place. anyone would agree that i am super shy, but high school actually made that a lot better. towards the middle of the year i actually didn't even bother doing my hair and putting on make up- i even came in sweats a few days.

    and just remember, everyone is nervous their first day of highschool, you're not the only one!

    good luck

  9. i wasn't nervous, its just a bunch of stupid hype.

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