
I'm nervous about selling my horses???

by Guest32382  |  earlier

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Well I have never sold a horse that I owned,I have never sold any horse! Well I have my 2 year old for sale, he's being too much of a handful for me. We are just not good together and then I put 2 of my grandmother's horses up and someone e-mailed about all three of them,the same person! Well the person just asked if I was giving my grandmother's mares away for free, I did not put a asking price me and my grandmother were discussing that. Then she e-mailed about Hershey which makes it more personal because I love this horse, well she just said that she was a experieneced rider and that she wanted to see him and he was gorgeous.And she said "and that price!" I am selling him for 500-600, but anyways something she said made me think about kill buyers--they act sweet and that they are going to give the horses a good home--but then they really kill them!!!!!! I am soooo nervous now that I might sell our horses to a kill buyer!!!! What she said to trigger those thoughts was "miss lisa are you giving away pretty arabian mares for free?" and it kind of freaked me out i don't know why but it did! I'm nervous now.....advice please?!?!?




  1. Um well meet with the person talk to them, see what they want to use the horses for. Ask if you can come and see where they will be keeping the horse.

  2. Look into what other people are doing. i would always suggest to know very well where your horses are going.

  3. It does snd suspicious. I would be very hesitant to sell to her. You may find out to late what her real intentions are. It would scare me to death to sell to her.

  4. Sounds like a creep. Is there any way you can have your grandma take the sales calls? Not trying to say anything against young people, but this is a lot to have on your shoulders.  

  5. Don't sell the horses to this buyer. She sounds like something isn't right. I would suggest bumping up his price, even though he hasn't had much training. If he has good color, conformation, and bloodlines include that in the ad. Do you know of anyone that is a family friend that is looking for horses to buy? If so talk to them and make sure it's close by so you can visit them. Only sell the horses to someone you personally know and feel comfortable with. The buy back deal is a good idea. If you took lessons when  you were longer contact the stables and ask if your instructor is looking to buy a horse. Or you could give the horses to your local SPCA, they will take care of them but who ever adopts them might not give them proper care. Or you could donate the older arabian mares to a local therupatic riding facility! I hope everything works out for you, Good luck!

  6. she may just be looking for some cheap horses for her grandchildren. make her talk over the phone and then in person. make sure she is serious about buying them to ride.. such as background check and make sure she tries them and asks all kinds of questions [ect.] ..then if she is a kill-buyer she probably wont want a vet check.. so make sure she gets one. other than that, i dont know what to tell you.

  7. Yes, be wary of this buyer. It is suspiscous that she emailed you about all 3 of them. I had that sort of "canned response" when I listed 2 of my horses on Defintely get references for your buyer, and if possible, see about checking out their farm and their other horses.

    edit: A First buy-back option is a good idea, but often times they are meaningless. They could just sell the horse without telling you and if you asked, they could tell you it died. It is safer to really know who you are selling to - get multiple references!

  8. Yeah, anyone who is asking for all three of them is definitely suspicious in addition to the fact that she wants them for free. DO NOT SELL TO HER!!!!!! I would list the horses for around $1000, but also list negotiable to a good home. The contract is all good and well, but if the buyer sells the horse anyways ignoring the contract, do you really have the money to hire an attorney? Contracts are just peices of paper that dont mean anything unless you can hire an attorney to sue this person for breach of contract, and in the mean time, your horse is already sold and prob killed already at a slaughter house. So, it doesnt really protect you. If anyone is interested in the horses, besides this woman, let them know that you will only sell if you view their facilities. Also, have them list references and call these references. Make sure these references are people like vets and trainers. This is the only way to be more confident in knowing that your horses are not going to a kill buyer.  

  9. humm well first of all you should right a thing that she has to sign and put in there..."For whatever reason We don't feel comfortable with you buying this horse we won't sell it to you."

    Somthing like that.

    Then offer to drive the horse to her house if you have a trailer.....get her adress 2 days ahead or something go drive by her place to see if she has a farmand horses and stuff like that and look for any thing suspicious.......but there should not be a propblem cause horse slaughter is illegal in the US now. We are selling one of our horses and we  have them sign a paper and we check out there place for reasons like this but horse slaughter is illegal now.

    Try not to worry the lady propbly won't do that...

  10. Meet the woman, you never know your paranoia may be because of simply being paranoid. I got my latest horse for FREE i paid $1.00 for him to make it a legal sale in the state of PA. I'm sure that woman was terrified that he may go to a bad home, but i adore my tinc tot..

    Again I say meet her and go with your instincts and your gut they usually wont let you down

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