
I'm nervous about starting high school?

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should i be?

how do u act?

should i wear makeup?




  1. Lol seriously dnt b nervous theres nothing to b nervous about im going into yera 10 so ive had a lot of experience of high school. If anything high scholl is so much better than primary and you meet more people which means more friends nothing bad can happen everyone in your year(year 7 when you go) is new so you will all b starting from teh beginning communicating with other people. Be yourself so people liek you for who you are act liek yourself and if you already wear makeup then waer it if  not dont lol dont change just because your going high school most year 7's dont its when you start getting into yera 8 youll find most people start wearing makeup be yourself and enjoy the 5 years you have.

  2. trust me high school is not that big of a deal that how i was my freshman year. i was nervouse and now its like  uh high school sucks but do wateva u have to ,to work it out. im not going to front and b like dnt wear makeup be youself blah blah blah... work it out just dnt show that your afraid remeber the hallways are your runways

  3. yeah.. seriously just be yourself and you'll be fine.. hmm.. i'd wear a little bit of makeup but not too much..  and.. i'm ALWAYS nervous the first day but like once i get there i always wonder what there was to be nervous about.

  4. the only person who can answer those questions is you. i will advise you to be yourself though. dont act like something you're not.  

  5. It's just a regular school. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be you. Don't stress about your looks; it might distract you from your academic studies.

    Good luck in high school!

  6. Honestly, just be yourself. People are too busy the first week trying to change scheduales and find their classes to be worried about what you look like. If you wore makeup in the past, you can stick to it...If not, go light but make it noticeable so that in the futur if you decide to put on alot, people won't be like wtf since when does she wear makeup!!! Good luck and remember, you will be really busy the first week it's always crazy....for EVERYONE! Even the seniors!!!

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