
I'm nervous of this Ramadan because?

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school is starting in a couple of days, and the first days of school I usually hug and say Hi to many people, but i know i should not do anything physical. Also, i have a couple of people I have stopeed talking to because of reasons i will not state here, should i apologize and forgive?




  1. forgive them,coz evry person doing mistake,evon we als doing mistake we shud forgiv them.

  2. Salam for you my dear daughter. You must not be nervous of this ramadan.Ramadan is the holy month for training how to control your lust and how to increase good doings.Yes you must ask for apologize to your friends and you must forgive your friend's faults to you.Take and give is better for cleaning our sins.

    Ramadan ya kareem marhaban ya ramadam.Fasting is instructed by Allah as stated in the Qur'an surah 2 Al Baqarah verse 183.So we should accept it with excitement because we will be blessed and forgiven by Allah and we become sinless just like a new born baby.

    We hope that in the future our belief and faith will be strengthened and we will comply to Allah's instruction and prohibition as stated in the Qur'an and explained by Muhammad pbuh in his hadits.

  3. I have college starting the next day (tuesday i.e) and there's nothing to be dreaded about Ramzan. Allah will help you.

    One solution - Don't hug people, not only during Ramzan, cuz you know it's prohibited in Islam to touch an opposite s*x even if it's still shaking hands.

    Also, if you have a good and legit reason to stop talking to those people, then no need to apologize, if otherwise, then yeah do so.  

  4. …They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur’an, 24:22)

  5. Hugging people doesn't break your fast unless it causes you to get gushy between the legs. You should change your friendships in Ramadan. If you haven't apologized yet you probably should.

  6. yes you should apologize and forgive them.... otherwise... if you wouldn't... you feel burden over your heart all Ramadan..

  7. in ramzan  most off the time we  have to pray allah these best thing and in common days will chit chat more so in month off ramzan dont talk that much as u talk in common days .and one hadis is sara darooo madar neyath pa hai so how is ur neyath that much nakee will u get so do good neyath do for the sake of allah not for the humen being and happay ramzan in advance

  8. WE all should apologize to everyone we've mistreated, either intentionally or unintentionally before the 1st of Ramadhan. theres a hadith/ayah in the quran on this. cant remember. but its def sahih.

    as for the hugging, just try to stay away, or step back whn they try to hug u. i know its hard, but its easier if u just say Muslim DONT DO HUG, regardless wht month it is

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