
I'm new at Volleyball and i want to get better 4-2 offence confusing!?

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i'm in eight grade and we just started volleyball practice this week. I wasn't brave enough to play last year which now i regret but my best friend is on the team and i love sports. i have 5 practices before we get asigned to teams "a" & "b". I want to get on "a" team or at least get better since our first game is 6 practices away!!!!! and it's against MILIKEN! AHHH thats the best team at like everything in our league.

So every tip and trick to get better would be VERY helpful!

also we're gonna be running a 4-2 offence and my coach said that if we know that before monday we would be ahead of the i want to do that!





  1. Good answers above this.  

    Most coaches will have the setters switch to set from the middle.  And since I have said that, people will read that I said ALL teams use that system.  The last club team I coached, I had my setters set from the right with a middle hitter and a left side hitter.

  2. 4-2 is the easiest offense and you should have no problem getting the concept during the weekend.

    Basically 4-2 lets you have two setters and four hitters on the court. Two setters stay across to each other so that there is always one setter in the front row.

    The setter in the front row gets switched into "setter's home position" immediately after your team hits the serve, and is THE one to go for the "second hit" during each play unless she calls for "help".

    Your coach could have different opinion regarding whether a setter should take middle or middle-right as the "setter's home position", and may also make different decision regarding whether back row should also switch (so that each back row player also has a "home position".

  3. im in eight grade too!!  Well anyways, the 4-2 is the easiest rotation to learn.  It means there are 4 hitters, and two setters.  The two setters are always opposite each other, one being the actual setter in the front row, the other being the one passing in the back, along with a middle and outside hitter.  You will not learn this rotation by monday, because as with every rotation, it is difficult.  so i would go with just reviewing and hoping your not the only one who doesn't know it.  Good luck, becuase:

  4. Has volleyball changed??? I played for 7 years in school and outside competively and when we ran a 4-2 the setter in the back row was the setter while the other 2 back row players passed on a serve. The setter would come from the back so we would run 3 hitters in the front row power, middle, weak side. Using a setter in the front row would be a waste of a hitter and position to me. We also would run a 5-1 depending on situations and then yes we had only 2 hitters while the setter was in the front row. Some more info for you to help with your understanding we had each position across from each other so every rotation there is always a power/middle/weak(also the setter) hitter in the front row at all times.

  5. The 4-2, regarded as the first true offense, is a team with four hitters and two setters. The setters always play in positions opposite of each other. This way, one setter will always be in the front row to set two hitters. The other setter in the back row is a passer.

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