
I'm new at keeping fish. i want some guppies and neon tetras. Do they go together?

by  |  earlier

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How many of each should put in a 10 gallon tank?




  1. 1 male guppy, 2 females, 6 neons, and a couple cory cats.  I'd actually recommend only male guppies, or you tank will sonn be over run.  And the males are prettier anyway.  And if you have excellent fitration and aeration system, and do maintenance weekly, you could be a 3-4 more in.  A small species of pleco, like a clown or bristlenose, would be good and  interesting.

  2. I think the rule is 1 inch of fish for every 1 gallon of water so that gives you enough room for roughly 10-12 fully grown fish  ;)

    i would personaly go with -

    4 neon's

    4 Guppies (these will breed ALOT so you may become short on space or need to sell/give the babies away)

    3 panda cory (small catfish) to clean the bottom of the tank

  3. well i am not to familiar with the neon tetras but considering they are both tiny fish they should be get along.(not sure).

    and if you are making your tank a community tank for your fish you should put in 10 adults or 10inches of fish for a 10 gallon tank(so i herd).

  4. Well it depends, if they are the same size. You should ask the pet store about this one.

  5. you can do the following in a 10 gallon tank

    3 guppies

    6 neon tetras

    6 rummy nose tetras

    4 cory cats or 4 otocinclus

    this is a perfect stocking for this sized tank and gives you the idea on what you can keep


    thanks for pointing out the missing info

    well, you're only suppose to put one species in the tank at a time

    which means you will introduce only one species of fish weekly

    guppies one week, the next week the neon tetras, the next week the rummy nose tetras and then the cory cats

    that way the filter can get slowly used to the additional ammonia which is produced by the fish

    however, those are all LOW WASTE fish, that's the reason you can put as many in your tank

  6. i agree with what EVE has put down for a. however i would not put them ALL together at once. doing so will cause a MAJOR chemical spike and kill ur fish. go to i have found this site very helpful in terms of explaining the nitrogen cycle, so u can make sure ur fish have the optimal water conditions.

    and if u do have ur tank setup like EVE has suggested i would also recommend to make sure u have a good water filter. i am not a fan of tetra products, the whisper filters are just way too frustrating and perform very poorly. i like the MARINLAND BIO-WHEEL POWER FILTERS, a peguin 150 or 200 should be perfect for ur tank. litttle more expensive sometime, but well worth the money.

    make sure that ur tank is fully cycled before adding any fish in the tank, it will save u alot of heart ache, trust me. and i would add one set of fish at a time and wait at least 4-7 days before adding more fish. and make sure u keep an eye out on ur chemistry before adding an fish. good luck and hope ya have fun with ur tank.

  7. yes u can put them together

    u can put  20 fish at the most

    mix up the numbers

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