
I'm new at school and....?

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I want to know how to figure out who the popular people what to look for so I can approach them

And please don't say popularity is overratted blah blah blah because I really don't care




  1. Agreed with joel, look for people who think they are better than you, are making fun of others, having a big drama dillema and only like one other for their belongings and looks

  2. yeah i started a new school last year.

    my tip is dont rush to make friends, if you wait a little you get better ones.

    the popular ones wont like you right away.

    i hang out with some of them, just be yourself. they dont like it when you act stupid and kiss their butt.

  3. The Biggest Group

  4. At my schools (I've been new at a lot of schools) the "popular" kids are the ones....who say hi to everyone and whisper behind their backs, who obsess about their clothes and hair and forget their homework, and who disrespect everyone and everyone else in the school.

    But another thing.... at my school, the so-called popular kids, while anyone in the school can tell you their names, aren't really very well liked.  At my school, if someone says, "Oh, that Kristin.... You know.... One of the popular girls."  It's an insult.  It's not a compliment.  I'd be very insulted if someone at my school called me a popular kid....

    But in my own group of friends, I'm popular with them.  In the group of kids with good grades, including me, I'm popular... well known and liked.  The younger kids in the school know me because I'm always nice to them.  My friends - our little group of three -, and the classmates in the larger group of good students.... look at me with higher estimation than a lot of others.

    So I suggest just look at people, see if they seem like someone you would like, but give everybody a chance.... no matter what they look like or the friends they have.  

    Both of my best friends weren't "popular"... they were the new kids that year.  

  5. at least at my school, stay around after school a little, you'll see the people and the groups better, who's driving what and whos going wear.

  6. Be yourself. short and sweet.

  7. Look for the people who think they're better than you.  Good luck growing an ego.

  8. Pathetic.

    The girls that wear expensive namebrands usually become popular.

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