
I 'm new at surfing and want to buy a board I'm 5'7"125 pounds?

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I've been surfing a few times mostly white water and have been using a long board on cape cod, mass( 9'2") . I would like to buy a smaller board but I don't want to go too small because waves are hard to catch.




  1. Why would you get a shorter board??????

    I always recommend that beginners get a longboard, (at least 9' long), as these are the easiest to catch waves with and balance on to stand up - as you've found out.

    This site has a great article called 'Learn How to Surf in One Day' that I think is terrific:

    Good luck and have fun!!  :-)

  2. What's your rush? Take the time to get really comfortable on your longboard. When you are really good wit it, then start to think about something smaller.

    I don't know how long into the Fall you will be surfing there (it's colder than it is down here in the middle Atlantic states), but you may even be able to get an end of the summer deal on a shorter board.

    You really have two choices. You can either transition to a nice mid size hybrid or funboard (7'-8') or a slightly smaller fish, that will do well for you in a wider variation of surf conditions.

    Go to a good local shop and talk to the folks there who surf the same breaks that you do, and see if they can't give you some advice. I'm sure that when the time is right, they can match your skill level, body and local conditions up with the exact right board.And please, watch out for low quality popouts that are mass produced in Chinese factories. there are lots a reliable 'big name' manufacturers out there, and tons of great local shapers.

    Chinese made popouts:

    And, don't trade in or give up your long board. I have been surfing since '66, and like everybody else back then, I started on a longboard. During the "short board revolution" we all gradually transitioned down to shortboards. But I have a longboard that is just right for those really flat days when the short boarders can't do anything but sit on the beach and get a tan.

  3. keep using the one you have until you are fairly comfortable on it, then go to your local surf shop and ask them. they will know the right board for you and the conditions.

  4. I think a board around 7'7'' wold be good. I'm not familiar with the waves in your area, but I would imagine that a fun board would be best for you.

    Try the brand "NSP" (New Surf Project). Their funboards are great for beginner surfers.

  5. 9'2 is a pretty big board for your weight class. Must be a hassle to carry! Master the white water and graduate into waves before you invest in another board. Then look for something smaller. Maybe a 7 to 8 foot mini longboard.

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