
I'm new to Water Polo...?

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Alright ima freshman in highschool and im gonna join polo. I've played soccer my whole life so i pretty much understand all the rules. Please tell me any general tips for playing! thanks alot!




  1. soccer does not help you much. waterpolo is a combined sport of all sports. waterpolo in high school requires lots of dedication. you must bust your butt off everyday in order to be successful. you  have to be a fast swimmer or else you'll be beat and be scored on in games. work on leg pressing. your legs is the most important in the game because you can drown your opponent in your deadly splashes, kick them and kick off them. your legs is the key to get up high in the water. if you don't get out above to at least your chest, you will suffer in shooting. this is because you will need your combined strength of your biceps and forearm to shoot strong. if your biceps are underwater, you will have to rely only on your forearm strength to shoot. for goalies, they should leg press at least 700lbs, while the other players at 500/600. goalies are the heart and soul of the team. they have to be demanding and mentally smart. he will tell the "set" where the ball is all times and guide the team. they are the one's who lead turnovers/counter attacks. lastly, time is very important in the game aware of the shot clock and always "dump" the ball in the corner when the time is about to run out so you can waste a few seconds of your opponents time. staying in front of your opponent at all times is the hardest part, but try your best to do so. strength wise, you should bench equally to your weight. your weight and strength should be balanced so you don't have a dominant side.waterpolo players are to be lean, fast swimming, buff, and have lots of endurance all at the same time.

  2. the numero uno thing u need 2 know is that if somebody on the other team is about 2 shoot, sprint towards the goal u r scoring in 4 an easy goal!!!

    its not that bad of an idea!

  3. remember to always keep up on defense!!! If you are feeling tired, never slow down when you are on defense...take time to rest during offense if you really need to. Remember that it is a physical game, so if you get slapped or grabbed dont whine, just do it back!! Also, pay attention to the shot clock!!!! If you are faster than the person you are defending, try to counter as often as you can be very successful that way. Finally, learn how to do a wet shot!!!!!

  4. I am 14 and i play high school water polo. Alot of people don't realize that yes it is a very violent sport. And yes you do get kicked and shoved underwater. But that's the fun of it, as long as the ref doesn't see you, you can do anything under water.

    I am not the best swimmer in the world. I don't have super fast times. For waterpolo it doesn't matter how fast you are as a swimmer.

    1. You need to be able to tread for an entire game, which is about 45 minutes depending on whether you go into overtime.

    2. And you need to be able to swim on top of the water. It is kind of like freestyle on top of the water. But you don't put your face down into the water. You are looking ahead the whole time.. The whole point of it is you can swim with the ball.

    There is nothing to lose. It is really fun and you will be disappointed or you didn't. Take it from me, I'm in 9th grade and i played waterpolo on my team for the very first time this year. I played varsity and was the only freshmen starter. And i had a blast!

    The number one thing to remember is never under estimate yourself, even if you have never swam in your life.

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