
I'm new to gardening. How do I start a garden?

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I don't want to use the dirt that's in my yard.

How do I start it without using the dirt around me because it could be contaminated by animals.




  1. actually poo from other animals is really high quality fertilization. people want that for their garden. i know u think its gross if you are going to eat the food that uve grown but its better than pesticieds and stuff you get from the ones you would buy at the store...

    just get some mulch and put it in some of the dirt where you want to start the garden and then dig a lot of it up and make it nice and soft, add water if needed...

    then just start planting your seeds or small starters that u get from a gardener.

    you need to make sure you put up little signs in the ground so you know what ur growing and u dont forget!!

  2. Sweety, that 'contamination' is very highly desireable.  Composted manure is a great source of organic material and nutrients in the soil.  If you look at your local garden center, you'll find bags of the stuff for sale.

    So, how to get started:

    Let's say you're working in a small space.  Raised bed gardening is a good way to begin.  You'll build a box out of wood or stone (those wedge shaped terrace building stones are good).  Make the bed 12 to 16 inches deep.  Length and width are determined by how much yard space you have to work with, but don't make it so big that you can't keep up with the weeding and such.

    You'll have to get a truckload of dirt brought in and moved in to the bed.  This is plain old hard work - wheelbarrow and shovel.

    You will want to 'amend' the soil so it's loose and fertile: composed manure and fertilizer.

    After construction, water the bed well and leave it sit for a few days so the soil settles.  Then plant stuff.

    BTW - August is really too late in the year to begin a garden.  It's too hot and the young plants will shrivel.  You'll want to plant stuff in the spring time as soon as you're safe from frost.  Ask gardeners around where you live when you're free from frost - here in north Alabama, that's the middle of April.


    It just occurred to me that you may have something other than vegetables in mind.  What can I say - I'm a guy and think with my stomach.  :)

    Bulbs and woody plants can be planted in the fall after the summer heat abates.

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