
I'm new to surfing. Can anyone refer me to good websites/specific boards?

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I'm about 5' 4" and weigh 135ish. I want it to last a while though, so i was thinking of getting one that could hold 180 pounds. Anyway, I'm looking for a mix between a short and long board (i think my friend called it a foam board?). Lemme know if you have any suggestions.




  1. Check out like a fun board around 8 foot. You could also get like a 6'6 fish or something. However if you are just starting to surf you will want to buy a longboard.

    The Surfboard Man

  2. No one can suggest a specific board for you with the information you provided. Visit a local surf shop for advice before spending your money.

  3. I know im a girl and everything but i have a little brother. so i kinda know this stuff. anyways surf shops around the beach are really good. or ron john surf shop is a good one too.  and i think billabong however u spell it that ones is good too.

  4. the best thing to do would be to stop in at some of your local surfshops. usually you can find a cheap used board ($200-$350) or even a new cheap ($400-450) shop board.

    the bigger the board the easier catching the waves...the more wave you catch the better surfer you become. a fiberglass beater board are great beginner boards that will have better response than a foam board.  but i think you're friend is talking about a fun board, not foam.

    You might be better off starting with a smaller longboard like 8'6 9'0 and transitioning to a funboard, but if you're set on a fun board i'd suggest one that is 7'6 +

    good luck and stick with it, it's the greatest feeling when you catch you're first wave.

    (This is good to know before you paddle out too)

    check out: (if you are near LA, it's a great beginner spot)

  5. try a fish. its perfect for what what you saying.its a longboard in short board size. it is wide and thick. so it has good padddleing and eazy pop ups.

    it also teaches good smoth turns cuz it so loose.

  6.      there boards are expensive but are worth the price and the have this thing on there website called board creator were you can get fitted for you perfect board

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