
I'm newbie in adsense. Need your comments friend?

by  |  earlier

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Hello Friend..

I do need your help to comment my blog. I have done a lot of effort to

improve my site but I still can't earn any click from viewers. And low traffic too.

I like your comment. I want to share with you my interest in

photography and I love to have your comments. Please have a look into my blog at :




  1. I am having a bit of trouble comprehending the site. There are names of several photographers credited. Are these your images or not? If they are not yours are the photographers aware that you are using their images?

  2. I would suggest you use google ad words to bring traffic to your blog.Yahoo ppc too. Never use traffic exchanges to bring traffic to your site.Google will cancel your account.

  3. Hello.

    Great blog!

    I experienced that problem too. One of the best ways you can profit from AdSense is by forming a mutual community - you click my ads, I click yours. Trust me, it helps. We add each other on our blog link list and do this works out great if the community has atleast 5-6 members.

    What do you think? Here's my blog:

  4. Aweful, keep going

  5. I use AdSense.  Its not a good idea to go trolling for people to view your blog in this way.   They can trace where links are being clicked from and they want the advertising to be natural, not forced.

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