
I'm not being Anti-English am I ?....?

by Guest56972  |  earlier

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Supporting the South African rugby team. Aren't we (the human race) all supposed to have came from Africa at one point?




  1. I'm Scottish and I'm supporting SOUTH AFRICA!

    I do like the english, but find it impossible to eat one whole.

    Nessie xxxx

  2. I am a South African and I think that Onestep must go and do some research about where the Springbok players were born.  

    I think South Africa is the better team and has a better chance of winning - GO THE BOKKE

  3. You should be supporting england, we are the best team and are going to win i think, you shouldnt be against the country of your birth for no reason and yours is porr, sorry but i am telling the truth

  4. Hi, it's entirely your choice who you choose to support, I'll be rooting for England though :-) what's important is that it's a good game.

  5. No you're not being Anti-English. On the form card SA is stronger and had beaten England during the preliminaries. But then a final is a FINAL....the atmosphere is different and in terms of being able to cope with all the nervousness, the Brits are better of than SA. In any case going into the game as underdogs in this case has a clear advantage with Johnny and the Brits....cmon Johnny....go johnny go!

  6. Why ask ,unless you are .Its sport ,support who ever you like

  7. Support South Africa if you want, I'm Scottish and will be supporting South Africa!

  8. I would refute that statement, anyway, it doesnt have much bearing on us in 2007. You can, of course, support who you want but supporting SA just because we all apparently were African at one time is a bit feeble.

    I am English, will support MY country but, I fear we will lose to SA.

  9. I don't think you are being anti-english but you should support a british team. You can support whoever you want tho without being judged or riddiculed

  10. No your not anti English South Africa will probably win and i think we did all come from Africa although it was quite different then with  no cultural boundaries. I may be wrong i thought New Zealand were going to win but that was a shocker.

  11. Eliot,

    For god's sake get over it man!

    Union was signed more than 300 years ago?

    For just how long can you have a chip on your shoulder or an inferiority complex?

    Be proud to be Scottish but being so anti-English is a failing on your part.

  12. You support who you want, I'll shout for England and hope you are disappointed

  13. we all came from adam avd eve

  14. its only sport: taking part and all that- unless ure actually english then bit strange-

  15. You should support who you want! I am supporting England and I am Scottish.

  16. The strange thing is that most of the RSA team didn't originate in Africa!

  17. Well you sound like one!

    It's a Freedom of Choice as to who you want to win...and PRAY that they do....OR..You will regret being from Africa!

    Good Luck to your Team!

  18. The good thing about spectator sports is that it doesn't really matter WHO you support. Just pick a team, watch the game, get involved and enjoy it.

  19. There are only two teams i support in sport.

    Scotland, and any other team that plays against england.

    Never will any true scottish person who knows their history support the english in anything.

  20. I am...................




  21. I think you are being anti-English. Why would you be against your country? Feel proud girl, feel proud, cause England has loads of history on its back.

  22. Of course you can support whoever you want.  Elliot97 is a bit off saying to look at your history as to why the Scottish hate the English - 'cos if you start doing that then the English will start hating the Scandinavians because of the viking invasion... and of course the Romans ..... but being of Irish descent should I also hate the Moors?  Possibly time for Elliot97 to just let it go......after all, we have a bit of a chequered history!!

  23. Support who you want too, it's a free world.

  24. No support who you want - as others have said its only a game.

    Support the team that plays the best rugby!

  25. It's up to you who you support.

    Mind you, considering SA beat England 36-0 just a few weeks ago, I wonder who has the better chance at winning...

  26. I'm not English, but will be supporting them against a non-British team.  I would be ashamed to be Scottish though, with all the jealousy-inspired, anti-English comments (not from everyone though!) that are coming out  Shoulders and chips remind me of a very apt description of the Jocks!!

    I will be proud if a British country is the first to ever have won World Cups in Rugby and football - even, in the VERY unlikely event that it were to be Scotland!!

  27. It is up to you who you support

    I support the Czech Republic in football because I have links to there but I was born and live in England

  28. It is no business or concern of mine which sporting teams or nations you choose to support.

  29. Free choice of supporting. (:

  30. I'm English and i wish both teams good luck may the best win;

        go England go!!!

  31. I'm supporting England and I'm a New Zealander.

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