
I'm not confident about my body!?

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i think i am gorgues but i dont like my body im going into middle school and i need confidence or else im gonna crash and burn please help!




  1. confidence comes from within, not from what you look like on the outside. If you walk with your head up and you walk with confidence then that will shine through and you will look good no matter what. People see confidence as beauty so be confident and I am sure you look great. Don't forget everyone is always harder on themselves than others are. While you are worrying about what others think about you, they are all worrying just the same about themselves so relax :)

  2. i was the same when i just went into middle school around the ages of 12-14 and it felt as if everyone kept starring at me behind my back, but i got passed as i got more mature and got to know my classmates a lil better.

    when u accept urself for u are and that u cant change ur body then u will feel confident about urself.

    one thing i noticed in school was that no ones the same, everyones different, everyone has the  bits about them that arent perfect, and everyone themselves even knows what parts they dont like about them and they probly worry about their looks too.

    so just be cool with it as theyre probly worrying too.

    theres nothing to worry about, good luck :)

  3. The best thing I can tell you is this-almost everyone in middle school hates something about themself.  Usually many things about themself.  It's the most awkward time of your life-getting pimples, gaining weight, growing fast (or not at all, like me!), your hair starts getting oily and your underarms start to smell...  It's horrible!  But I can promise that it will get better.  

    Something that always helped me was this-I'd try to remember if I'd noticed anyone with a pimple that day.  Usually I hadn't noticed any, which means that probably other people didn't notice mine.  It sounds gross, but it worked for me.  

    Just know that you're not alone-pretty much everyone at your school is thinking the same things.  Good luck!

  4. Its fine to be self-consicious about your body you arre sooooo young and teenagers bodies are always changing.  You will develop b***s, grow and develop internally.  There is no need to worry about how you look you will change.  And love yourself for who u are. Your body is not gonna fully develop until you are 20.

  5. Be happy with what you have got.

    You could look like this:

  6. well don't worry just be u, u can only be u read the bible if  u already haven't start with the new testement it has answers 2 life

  7. Think of your body as a poem and you are in the first stanza.

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