
I'm not crazy... am i?

by  |  earlier

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when i moved into my home over a year ago i experienced quite a few odd things going on around me. i knew that two people had died in the home but that wasn't something that really concerned me. i would be here cleaning and go outside and the door would slam shut behind me... i'm not talking closing... i'm saying slam. this didn't happen with one door, it happened with all of them. i've heard people taking behind me and upstairs. my dog went in the bathroom, looked at the spot on the floor when the man was found dead, whimpered, barked and ran and hid under my bed for and hour before he would cautiously come out. when i say the spot, i don't mean there was an actual spot on the floor. the entire floor had been ripped up and day i was washing dishes and heard slow footsteps behind me. some other stuff has happened and i was getting pretty scared. one day i found some of this man's photos and put them on the mantle over the fire place. i was looking at them one night




  1. Everything that you describe sounds like a haunting.  Some other clues might be light bulbs burning out more frequently than they should, cold spots, appliances turning off and on, and sometimes even odors.  You certainly don't sound crazy and  I have learned one thing, always trust the dog.  :)

  2. It sounds like its an honest to god something!  Have you experianced any extreme tempature drops while these "things" have been going on?  I hear that is common and in my one ghoustly run in it felt like it was 15 degrees in the room I was in, this was in july.

  3. You don't sound like a crazy person. Good thing you didn't panic. Although I don't believe in that stuff,  I think you should call a priest and ask him to do a blessing on your house. Good luck.

  4. Honestly, I don't have any facts except what I've come to learn for myself, but as a medium, who experiences things like that every day, I do in fact think it's for real. I've found that ouite often, spirits who haven't crossed just want someone to care how they died, and to know they're there. So his slamming the door was an attention getter to me. So I think that you put some of his pictures on the mantle made him happy, you eased his soul and gave him what he needed. It's like he's screaming, "I"M HERE!!! SEE ME" and you showed him that you have. You might tell him, out loud, that it's okay for him to go into the light now.

    Mmm... am hearing to tell him that his job is over and he can go rest now. They are safe within the light.

    I don't know who "they" are or even what his "job" was, but he will.

    Love and light to you. And congrats for being brave enough to reach out to him. Everything IS okay now. I just kept feeling that what you did, you eased him, eased his soul. He has been heard, seen, felt, cared about, and he is very grateful for your kindness.

  5. Cool sounds like you have some paranormal activity congrats.

  6. No you r haunted by some one who died in that house u r not crazy some time ghosts r scared of u thats what gives u a haunting that hurts you a little but otherwise it is evil!!!

           Keep me posted K im here to talk!!!!!

  7. It sounds like a haunting.

    Get rid of it - the next time it visits, speak loudly and say. "GO

    Away, you don't live here anymore. You are dead, go to God.

    Go away and never come back"

    Then do a blessing in and around your house.

    A handful of shade and holy water

    I woudn't like to share a home with that spirit.

  8. LMAO good luck making up stories ha ha h
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