
I'm not friends with any boys, help me!?

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All my friends are friends with boys. I'm really shy around boys but I really want to become confident around them and be able to speak to them like I do to my girlfriends! The thing is most of the boys in my year are gangstas and emo's, but i'm not really like that! What should I do?




  1. be yourself, they will come around.  Don't change for anyone!  Here is another tip guys just like to see a smile...remember they are people just like your girl friends and are deeper then gangsters and emos.  

  2. who cares whether guys or all emos or gangsters? what difference does it make.. if people are nice people, dont put them in a box.

  3. im friends with emos but they are really nice behind their 'dark' look and music choice, they are actually better than normal guy i suppose in ways. i would stick with your friend and talk to the guys. i get you. :)

  4. Just get to kno them and soon you'll become friends with them.  

  5. Get to know the person behind the gangster and emo. Find a guy that is friends with one of your friends and try to figure out if you have anything in common. Work from there.  

  6. become aquainted but surely you can't say they're all gangstas or emos?

  7. gangsta's!!  just silly little boys thinking they're hard, lol, what a joke.  

  8. Kirsty dear, do not fear, cos you are now my friend, wanna go for a beer?

  9. Respect yourself and wait it out. You will talk to boys and when you do it will be the right time. Boys are easy to talk to just get over the wall you created, but then if you stay shy it could be good for you. While your friends get in relationships and get their heart broken and your off to the side your heart will be intact and you won't have a whole lot of issues when you meet the right one because you weren't chasing all the wrong ones. At least you know what type you like, so don't settle for less....

  10. Most of the boys are gangsters?  Where the h**l is your school?  Los Angeles?

  11. gangstas and emos ahahahahahahahha

    turn L*****n.

  12. I'm a guy and I used to hang with guys a lot, and then I just decided to act confident and now I hang with both. Just live life, and I understand you don't like hanging with emos and gangsters, It's like you're trying to fit in, but you don't want that certain crowd, so I suggest you find one of your friend who hang with nice guys and start hanging with them so you feel more comfortable :)

  13. well if a boy bes nice to u be nice back then u never no u may end out being good friends with them or have a friend who is a year older or a year yonger then u k how this helped iam 15 btw ill be ur friend k lol

  14. The only way you can get to know someone is by actually talking to them and being yourself. If your going to be around them you dont have to be just like them

    Just be yourself, you should be fine.

  15. Just talk, start with just a "hi" when you pass them, and gradually start talking more. you will build a friendship slowly. even if you are shy you can still do this.

    as for the gangsta and emo thing, well so what? its just the clothes they wear. get to know them beyond that. there is a good chance that you could actually really like those boys if you stopped judging them on their appearance and actually took the time getting to know them.

  16. stay clear from the gangstas and emos. one day one normal boy will come and you'll both prolly fall in love. good  luck

  17. Some of my best friends at camp were emo looking ppl...

    I was planning on staying away from them,but my bff runs up to random ppl and just starts talking to them,so she did that to them and to find out they were really opposite from what you would call an emo/gangsta person..They were actually very nice and fun to talk to!

  18. dont judge a book by its cover judge people from the inside not the out hang around with your friends that know boys and take it from there you will eventually become more confident around them the more your with them and remember just be yourself..

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