
I'm not going to live much longer like this.?

by  |  earlier

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This is my first year of college, I'm male 18 110 pounds and 5'7 with shoes on...5'4 without shoes on.

I haven't aged a bit since the 8th grade...physically. I feel so out of place at college and...everywhere. I'm just sick of getting the kids menu, getting called "hun", "did your parents drive you?" I just want to look my age desperetely. I went to the doctors two days ago to ask my doctor, i'm going in this tuesday for blood work to be done. He said it could be something medical or it could just be me. I refuse to live life like this, I'm sick of it. My self-esteem has completely destroyed my social life, I'm just treated as a child everywhere I go. I act the exact opposite though.

Does anyone have some similar stories to share...with a very fast happy ending?

Oh and to those of you who say, you will enjoy it later, obviously have no idea what it feels like.




  1. Have you even hit puberty?? You said you were about 110 that's pretty skinny. Assuming you haven't hit puberty, your body starts to undergo puberty once you have a certain amount of body fat %.  

  2. dude, just gain some weight. about the height thing i dont know wat to tell u. also work out and get some muscles.

  3. Dude, I cannot imagine what you are going through, but stick it out man.

    Things could be way worse, so you look young, at least your not sick. Maybe get some stubble? Do some weights?

    Hold yourself upright, like really confident, act like a man and show everyone that you are one, believe it in yourself. This will change how other people see you.

    You can do it dude. Really

  4. Hey buddy, i know how u feel ......  except i've been 5'9" since i was about 11 years old ............ so it's pretty much opposite ........ i was getting approached by mature adult men from that tender age .....  gaaaah, used to freak me out......... when i was 12 the school bus driver tried to tell me i'd stolen my school bus pass ......... i of course ended up in tears ........ all i ever wanted was to be shorter ..... i know u prolly think who cares cos all you want is to be taller but really and truly mate, until you start liking who you are and just revelling in the wonderfull gift of you ......  you'll always be moody and depressed ..... flex your personality muscle...... just be you ...... cos afterall is said and done there is isn't another living breathing soul on this planet precisely like you.... you are one of a kind.

    peace baby


  5. I have like the oposite to you. When I was 14 I looked around 18-20. I am now 18 and I look around 23-24. It's horrible. I also want to look my age but I just don't. I am also balding allready. It aint fun. So I guess i feel your pain.

  6. earlier someone said a bit of eyeliner adds a few years, I'm not fooling

  7. I know exactly what you're going through.  I am 5'7 and 160lbs, 130lbs through high school, very boyish and young looking and not a day went by without someone commenting on how small I was.  Unfortunately in the male world the "physical" overrules the "mental".  But you can use this to your advantage.  Your brain, intelligence, and personality are powerful tools.  Develope them and use them.  Hold your head up and don't be afraid to confront and make these people look stupid for saying ignorant things.  Start arming yourself now, because in the professional world, it only intensifies.    

  8. I haven't been through exactly what you are going through but for many years I had a disorder that effected my life so severely I couldn't live a "normal" life. I did eventually find help and I still have to live with this at some level, but I have figured out ways to cope. I want to encourage you not to let this affect your self-esteem. I can only imagine, especially being a guy, that this is incredibly hard for you and I am so sorry for what you are going through. You are right to say you refuse to live like this. Good for you, no matter what the Dr. finds, your height  does not define who you are. You eventually will find your way and find others who are mature enough not to make stupid hurtful comments. You'd think by the time you got to college they would be.Usually in life, there are no fast and easy fixes. But you can get through this and be a happy person just the way God made you. Your personality and intelligence will shine through and things WILL get better. Good luck, you will be ok.

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