
I'm not going to the school but can i still live in my gf's dorm?

by Guest63212  |  earlier

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You see, my girlfriend wants to leave her house when she goes to college because she cant stand her parents rules, and she wants to start living with me asap. she would stay with her parents, but again, they're strict with her and we've been talking about moving in together for a long time now. the problem is, we're not sure that we will have money to buy an apt together. but if she goes to college and gets a self dorm (whatever you call the dorms where you have the room to yourself) would i be able to live in it as well even though i wont be going ot the school? in a way like the college doesn't have to know I'm living there? is this possible or are we actually going to have to buy an apt so we can live together?




  1. they have these things called RA's which ar residence hall advisors..

    and well..they pretty much live in the dorms as well and are on call for ny questions all the time..they pretty much help the students that live there and help with disputes and any other problems going on. If someone complains to them about you then you will definitely get your girlfriend in some trouble. She may even be forced to leave her dorm and find living some place else..(im un sure how strict it is at her college)..but im sure they dont want some random guy living there that doesnt even go to the school..and isnt even paying for another room..ya know?

    good luck

  2. Technically you are not supposed to, but I am sure it would work out for a while at least. I really think that you and your girlfriend need to think about living together. You guys are way too young, and, honestly, it's just a really dumb idea.

  3. it might work for a week or 2 but i would be willing to bet that it definately wouldn't work out long term. depends on what kind of dorm she's in and how the room assignments are set up. some co-ed dorms are co-ed by floor, some are co-ed by wing (one side of the hall girls, one side guys), while others have everyone mixed. it would only be a matter of time before people started noticing you as someone who was sort of random.

    not to mention, there's an RA there. they typically catch on to who's frequenting the hall ways they're in charge of. like i said, it wouldn't be suspicious for a week.. but when people or an RA started seeing you in the bathroom taking a shower and such everyday they would start to wonder who the heck you were. does your g/f already have a single room assigned to her? if not, at most colleges in my state anyways, single rooms are harder to come by for 1st year students and most freshman have to have a roomie. and also, most freshman are required to live in the dorms their 1st year and are not allowed to get apartments unless they go through paperwork that confirms they're living with an immediate family member.

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