
I'm not good in Basketball 5's games?

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I play pick up games in the park and I play gaurd. I mostly stay in the mid range and take jumpshots in the mid range only. In 5 on 5 games, I only score like 4 out of 36 points. It feels like the mid range area is so crowded, I can't find openings and opportunities to shoot.

In 3 on 3 or 4v4 I usually score half of the teams points and I find openings a whole lot easier.

I'm only 5 feet 3 inches so its kind of hard to find an opportunity to shoot. I can bust pull up jumpers and fadeaways easy on everything except 5v5s game.

What can I do to be more effective in a 5v5 game?




  1. I play pickup ball too and it's the same thing for me. Playing against bigger guys in 5 on 5 it's hard to shoot jumpshots close to the rim.

    What I do is I either drive all the way to the rim and then dish out or go up for a layup if I have the opportunity. I also develop this running, one handed shot that I release really high so the taller guys can't really touch it. I also use lots of fakes to get a shot off. If you're good at 3 then you can shoot from there because most guys will only defend close to the rim.

    Good Luck!

  2. good question, well i know how u feel dude, i play games at the park too sometimes, i play for my highschool team so its hard to find time at the park, since we have practice everyday during the season, dude let me tell u something, being effective in a game just doesnt matter about how many points you score it matters how much you contributed, and theres many ways to do that, for example, getting asists, not only do you help your teammates score but you let them get their shot back. the only difference between a 5v5 game and a 3v3 game is theres more people which means u will have to pass more remember basketball is a team effort not a one man team. so you could be effective in 5v5 by  passing and driving when theres one man in the post and passing to the open man.

  3. Lern the tendecies...stay moving and cut thru and to the basketball set pick thats a good area to set up a pick and open for a jumper...Observe better!!!

  4. practice shooting over bigger players

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